Interstellar | Teen Ink


January 26, 2022
By AshleyT05 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
AshleyT05 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't just come into someone's life make them feel special and then leave." - Kim Taehyung
"Never give up on a dream that you've been chasing almost your whole life." - Park Jimin

     Do you ever think of how our future can become one day? Well, I'll give you “Interstellar”. Interstellar is a movie about space and our Earth. In Interstellar there is a father named Cooper, he has two kids Murph and Tom. They live in a house in the fields with Cooper’s dad. Murph is like her father and enjoys all the science.  Tom doesn’t enjoy science like Murph and Cooper. Now the Earth is going to be destroyed because of Dust bowls happening in the world. Cooper is traveling different places out of the world to try and find a place the human race can live in. 

      The movie Interstellar is about a man going to space to try and find a place for humans to survive and live before the lack of resources causes the human race to vanish on Earth. On Earth, during this time there were dust bowls that would ruin the whole Earth and humans would not survive, nothing would be able to survive the dust bowls because of the heavy wind and hard dust. 

       In Interstellar, the two main characters that stood out to me are Cooper and Murph. Cooper stood out to me because he sacrificed himself to go into space to try and find a place to protect humanity. He is a super-intelligent man and he loved his children so much that he was willing to protect them any way he could. Murph stood out to me because she tried her best to resolve what was happening to the world and she loved doing what her dad loved also. Cooper tried to find a place and Murph tried to find a solution and the data. 

       The message in Interstellar is that the love between two people who have and love the same interest can make a huge impact in saving our world and our human race. You might think that it would be the love of a relationship but it is a love between father and daughter. Cooper and Murph have this connection of stronger love because they both are trying to save Earth from both sides and different worlds. Time can be so precious but what is time?

      In Interstellar, there is a scene where Cooper is in a Black Hole. Well, what is a black hole? A black hole is a gravity that is so strong nothing could escape it, not even light. You can’t survive in a black hole or get out. When Cooper is in the black hole he sees Murph and Murph is in her room. She can’t hear or see him but he is behind her bookshelf where she had a ghost that pushed her books off her bookshelf and Cooper told her there is no ghost. 

      In conclusion, I would recommend this movie because it is such a loving and interesting movie. I am going to be completely honest when I first heard of the title I was like no it probably going to be boring because it’s about space but it was really interesting and a heartwarming relationship. Therefore I think you should watch this movie because it could become our future. 

The author's comments:

"We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible." Cooper 

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