‘Talladega Nights’: A Comedy of The Stereotypical All-American, Nascar-Winning Machine. | Teen Ink

‘Talladega Nights’: A Comedy of The Stereotypical All-American, Nascar-Winning Machine.

November 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Going into the movie you are expecting another classic comedy with the mix of Will Farrell and John Reilly, but instead you are hit with a movie that you will remember. I expected just a classic comedy that I will forget by the end of the day but I experienced a great new movie mixed with comedy and action that is perfect for a late night watch and a good laugh.

Talladega nights is a fun comedy that keeps reminding you what a fun fast paced movie really should be. The directors made a great choice in choosing the well-known duo from another successful movie, Step Brothers, Will Ferrell and John Reilly to carry the film even in the slow moments such as the recovery scenes with Farrell faking being paralyzed. 

The film opens in a smart way showing Ricky Bobby's (Will Farrell) childhood missing his dad to racing and always just “wanting to go fast”. When he finally gets the chance to prove himself, working in a nascar pit crew when the driver decides to take a break, Ricky goes out and instead of taking it slow he “does some real driving” and goes from last place to third beginning his legacy as the best. 

Everything was going his way, finishing first every race and starting the motto “If you ain’t first you’re last”, when he got in a bad accident racing James Girard, a F1 driver turned nascar.

Through his recovery process Ricky goes through multiple ups and downs. Reconnecting with his past and facing his fears even driving with a live cougar to prove he is a man. Once he did this he knew he was ready for the big leagues once again.

When Ricky comes back to the track he has his old team back and has to face his arch enemy. With his best friend Cal back at his side he is able to get into a one on one race with Girard where they both get in a bad accident and wreck their cars.

The race ends with a dramatic over exaggerated foot race that is a great way to end the comedy and perfectly fit the straight face comedic mood of the movie.

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