Miracle Review | Teen Ink

Miracle Review

April 29, 2024
By nickgilroy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
nickgilroy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The movie Miracle, tells the incredible story of the 1980 US Hockey Team's unlikely win at the Olympics. The movie has great lessons and takes a realistic approach to starting at “rock bottom” and building your way up.

The 1980 US men's hockey team had accomplished one of the most unthinkable feats that any sports team has ever achieved. Making a movie on the parts that nobody saw, like the process and growth the team had to go through, rather than just the games everyone saw on tv, made this an amazing movie. It shows just how much dedication and time the team had put into building a gold medal team. The movie showed this through the fights the team had at practice, the constant practicing to be better, and the will to be better than everyone else for the name of the form of their jersey.

Their commitment and time taught us lessons throughout the movie, including one of the greatest moments ever when Herb Brooks gave the “You were born for this” speech that he gave the hockey team before they played the soviet hockey team. Herb had said “If we play them ten times, they might win nine. But not this game. Not tonight.”, this line inspired me and others saying the smallest outcome can happen at the biggest moments.

The character of Herb Brooks was played amazingly by Kurt Russell, along with all of the other characters who were played by actors such as Eddie Cahill, and Kenneth Mitchell, and other actors. This is one of the reasons the movie was so successful along with all of the players and other coaches.

This movie is one of my favorites of all time and I recommend it to anyone becasue it isn't just a movie for hockey players. It's about teamwork, overcoming challenges, and showing what it means to represent your country on the biggest stage with the highest stakes. If you like Remember the Titans or "42"  this movie have the same concept, they are all movies that are based on a real story that shows it’s more than just winning games, it is about how you have to change and grow to overcome challenges. 

Miracle will leave you inspired and cheering for the underdogs the whole movie. It's definitely worth watching, whether you're a sports fan or not and I highly recommend this for your next watch.

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This is a review on the movie Miracle

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