Live Free or Die Hard | Teen Ink

Live Free or Die Hard

November 30, 2009
By newton04 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
newton04 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard is the action packed crime drama that is the fourth installment of the Die Hard Series. This time we find trigger happy NYPD detective John Mclcane (Bruce Willis) catching his teenage daughter sneaking out to see her boyfriend. As John catches her it proves to be the start of a series of unfortunate events for both John and Lucy. When John returns to work he is burdened with the seemingly easy task of going to pickup a computer hacker.
When John is met with fierce SWAT-like resistance, and the FBI is suddenly involved the fact becomes obvious this is just not some easy arrest. As John teams up with the computer hacker he soon discovers he must engage in a mad chase across the country to find his daughter that has been taken by Lucas Gabriel.
The computer hummed as billions of numbers streamed across the blue screen. He sat there being watched by two eagle sharp eyes that had been darting around.
Lucas Gabriel had worked for the FBI; he –in fact- had created our Nation’s security system for our Social Security numbers. He had created the system, our system, he was the system. As he was working he discovered something. Something that could and would change the nation forever; he had discovered a fault in the system. He tried to fix it, but no one would listen and he would be punished him. He would be sent away, and he would plan a revenge; a revenge that would make him millions. He would hire men, men who would betray their country and help him.
The FBI had been after him for a long time, but he had been like smoke; he would never be seen or heard of until now, but he would leave his mark in the economy, government, and the world.

The film's North American release date was June 27, 2007. This movie had a budget of 110 million dollars. The cast includes several great actors and actresses such as

Bruce Willis, Justin long, Timothy Olyphant, Mary Winstead, Maggie Q, and several other co stars. Live free or die hard was directed by Len Wisemen, and was released June 27, 2007 in almost all countries

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