Precious | Teen Ink


January 6, 2010
By Tah-nee-nee-Marie BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Tah-nee-nee-Marie BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happends for a reason...."

“Laugh… Now Cry”

“Precious” is one huge emotional rollercoaster. Up, now down. Laugh, now cry.
“Precious” is gently knocking on the doors of your darkest, deepest secrets. When watching this movie, you feel free to express yourself and reveal all that you have been through- it is finally safe to wear your heart on your sleeves. You find yourself crying when you can relate your own situation with Clarice’s issues, then you find yourself crying even harder when you can not relate, but still can imagine that pain.
“Ha ha ha…” the laugh of Clarice Precious Jones echoes in your head. It makes you feel warm hearted; you become emotionally attached to this character. When she smiles, you smile. Her smile represents hope for many. If Precious can reach out pass all the troubles in her life and find the strength to smile—then you can too.
This movie brings up a sensitive topic. Rape. A lot of us tend to sweep this issue under the rug because it is very emotional. Rape causes a lot of insecurities within an individual. Precious faces a lot of these insecurities. She felt as if she was worthless. After an Erratic fight with her mom, precious cried out, “no one loves me…”,as she opened up to Ms. Rain, her English teacher. She was hurt deep down inside and just felt like giving up. “I love you…” replied Ms. Rain.

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