Life Is Beautiful | Teen Ink

Life Is Beautiful

January 7, 2010
By Anonymous

Studio: Miramax
MPAA Rating: PG13
Genre: Foreign
Release date: October 23, 1998
Cast: Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giorgio Cantarini
Writer: Roberto Benigni
Director: Roberto Benigni

The film, “Life Is Beautiful,” tells the story of Guido Orefice and his heroic journey through one of the most tragic events in history. The first half of the movie is a whimsical romantic comedy set in Tuscany, Italy. Roberto Benigni plays Guido Orefice, a charming young man who chases after and finally wins over his principessa (princess), Dora. Dora is played by Benigni’s real wife, Nicoletta Braschi. They get married and have a son, Joshua, played by Giorgio Cantarini. They lead happy normal lives for five years, only experiencing minor racial prejudices. Their fairytale lives take a twist when the Holocaust starts affecting them, and they are sent to a concentration camp. Having no idea what was to become of them, Guido had to find a way to protect his son. So, to prevent Joshua from knowing the evils of the Holocaust Guido turns the hard truth into a simple game. The rules were uncomplicated: his dad would go out during the day to earn them points and the first one to get to one thousand points won a real tank. If you complained of hunger or were seen by one of the mean people that yelled, you would lose points. Because of Guido’s believing performance and his own innocence Joshua believed every bit of it, and couldn’t wait to win the tank.
This movie really made me think about the importance of family, and the lengths they will go through to protect you. “Life Is Beautiful” is the winner of over 50 international awards including 3 Oscars. The acting in this film is outstanding, and the music is well done. This movie is one of my all time favorites. It is one of the only movies that can get me laughing and sobbing within the same two hours. I highly recommend this film, and if you enjoy this one, another movie you might like is, “It’s A Wonderful Life.”
Thinking of the Holocaust can bring up some pretty hideous images, but this movie shows that life really is beautiful.

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