Step Brothers | Teen Ink

Step Brothers

December 3, 2012
By Anonymous

Stepbrothers, directed by Adam McKay, is a crude, yet funny comedy. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly work together perfectly, amplifying the comedic foundation of the movie. Released in 2008, this movie racked in about 130 million dollars. It is 98 minutes of your life that leaves you laughing for days.

Ferrell is known as Brennan in the movie, and is a 39 year old still leaving at home. He lives alone with his single mother who works in the professional field. Reilly is known as Dale and is a 40 year old still living at home. He lives alone with his father, who also works in the professional field. Dale and Brennan’s parents met at a business conference and eventually became married, making Brennan and dale step-brothers. They do not get along at first and Dale attempts to intimidate Brennan. Brennan’s jerk of an older brother, Derek (Adam Scott), comes to dinner at the house one night. He continues to harass Brennan until Brennan finally punches him in the face. After this act of violence, Dale and Brennan become best of friends. During Dinner later that night, Dale starts an intimate relationship with Derek’s wife. This escalates further throughout the movie. Soon after Dale’s father announces that he will divorce Brennan’s mother. After the divorce, Brennan and Dale are separated and do not reunite until the Catalina Wine Mixer. Brennan is working for his brother Derek at this point and they make amends after Brennan made the mixer a success. All wounds are healed at the end of the movie and this bags the viewer for more.

This movie was rated R, and should not be viewed by younger children. If you are not a fan of crude humor, I suggest you not watch this movie. Rotten Tomatoes gave it 3 out of 5 stars and 55% of critics liked the movie. This movie is only pleasing to a certain audience and to the more conservative type, it is unappealing. Ali Gray, a writer from Shiznit.UK gave a positive review stating “Step Brothers is unashamedly dumb, unoriginal and downright offensively childish. But aren't these the very same reasons why people like these movies?” James Rocchi, of Common Sense Media, on the other hand, gave it a negative review, stating “Foul-mouthed Ferrell comedy isn't very funny. No kids” I do not understand why James would go see the movie knowing this is how Ferrell acts in all his movies. One goes sees a will Ferrell movie to enjoy his crude and foul-mouthed humor. His movies bring out the immaturity in all of us, making all of his childish antics hilarious. I suggest anyone who is a fan of comedy to go see this movie. It left me laughing for days. I can watch it multiple times a month and still laugh every time. It never gets old. I give Stepbrothers a perfect rating and plan on laughing to more Ferrell movies in the future.

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