Princess Bride | Teen Ink

Princess Bride

December 3, 2012
By Anonymous

The movie The Princess Bride is, in my eyes, the best movie Rob Reiner has ever directed. Yes, better than Stand by Me, and This is Spinal Tap. His decision on the cast is phenomenal! Cary Elwes is the perfect Wesley, his perfect facial structure, and soft voice just reels you in to love him almost as much as Buttercup, played by Robin Wright, does. The bad guys in the movie aren’t as attractive as Westley. Sorry Wallace Shawn, aka Vizzini, Christopher Guest aka Count Tyrone Rugen, and Chris Sarandon aka Prince Humperdinck. Westley's trusty companions; Mandy Patinkin who plays a spunky little Spaniard, Inigo Montoya, searching for revenge, and André the Giant who plays Fezzik, the friendly giant.

The story in The Princess Bride is a semi-relatable one. Buttercup is from a wealthier family who has one faithful farm boy named Westley. The beginning of the movie is a little slow, but once they realize that they love each other Westley leaves to find work to save enough money for them to get married.

A little while later, Buttercup gets news that Westley’s ship got captured by the Dread Pirate Robinson, the merciless pirate, no one survives after a meeting with him. Buttercup falls into a deep depression and is inconsolable. During this time, the prince goes on a search for the most beautiful woman in the land… To Buttercups dismay he chooses her.

All the while Vizzini is planning a complex ruse. He plans on stealing Buttercup, and purposefully leaving another kingdoms flag. Which he hopes will cause a war.

Vizzini succeeds in stealing Buttercup, he plans to have his henchmen; Fezzik and Inigo, and him take her to the kingdom that they are framing, and kill her. But there is one handsome problem, the Dread Pirate Robinson. He does all he can to stop them from harming Buttercup. He beats Inigo in a sword fight, Fezzik in a fist fight, and Vizzini in a game of wits. All to save Buttercup.

Once she is saved, she is beside herself, she WANTED to die, and life without Westley was too unbearable. Prince Humperdinck shows up to the rescue, right as Westley reveals himself as the Dread Pirate Robinson. They then embark on a perriless journey to escape from Humperdinck, but fail, Westley gets captured and Buttercup “saved”.

Once back on home ground, Humperdinck decides to torture Westley, he knows that Buttercup loves him, and Humperdinck doesn’t like it. Fezzik and Inigo both go back to living in the common area and being nobodies. They learn of Buttercups wedding day and decide it’s time to go save Westley.

The end of the movie is my favorite part, so I won’t ruin it for you, but be prepared, there’s betrayal, love, fighting, and someone finds something out that changes their life. Be sure to watch The Princess Bride. It will become your favorite.


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