Never Say Nevery | Teen Ink

Never Say Nevery

April 21, 2013
By Anonymous

Rags to Riches

It’s usually unpleasant when you have a fever, but not when you have “Bieber Fever”. The life of Justin Bieber is clearly shown in the movie, “Never Say Never.” The moviegoer will root for Justin, not only because he’s attractive and has an amazing voice but also because of his determination! Justin moves from rags to riches.

“Never Say Never” tells the amazing story of Justin Bieber’s life. It begins with his infancy and finishes in the present day. He was raised in Canada by his young single mother. He was obsessed with music at a young age, learning and playing whenever and wherever he could. He was discovered on YouTube with the help of Usher and Scooter. Now he’s one of the most famous pop singers for teenage girls.

“Never Say Never” is more of a documentary, casting the real people in Justin’s life. Justin Bieber was the star of the movie followed by his mom and dad, grandparents, Usher, Scooter and many other real-life pop singers and fans!

“Never Say Never” has many great features with a few things that could be improved. The flashbacks were quite effective. For example, it would show Justin when he was a little playing guitar and singing on the road. Then, it would flash forward to him on stage in front of a large audience. Also, Justin’s family was a big part of the movie. Even though his father wasn’t around every day taking care of Justin, he still always encouraged him and was patient with him. One of the downsides of the movie is that some of the stories from his life were cut short, making you wonder what eventually happened.

The movie emphasizes several big lessons. Justin Bieber’s story is amazing because his dream of becoming famous came true. This was accomplished because he worked hard and was patient. One of the lessons is that it doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor. You can always catch your dream. The most important lesson, though, is to never say “never”!

Teen and pre-teen girls are attracted to Justin Bieber. Once a young girl spots Justin Bieber, she will never take her eye off of him. The movie could definitely be viewed by mothers and their elementary school age daughters but girls up to their 20’s would also enjoy it. “Never Say Never” isn’t for boys though. Usually, boys don’t like Justin as much. The movie is rated G so it can be watched by anyone. It is one of the top movies of the past decade. If you don’t know Justin, you should start getting to know him now!

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