LOL the movie | Teen Ink

LOL the movie

April 21, 2013
By Maddie Bove BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Maddie Bove BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
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Lola Williams (Miley Cyrus), who everybody calls “Lol”, is a rebel teenager who can’t stop doing what she wants. She has a special bond with her mother (Demi Moore) which gets broken frequently but then regains its true connection. Lola’s best friend Kyle (Douglas Booth) soon becomes more than just her “best friend”. LOL captures the heart and mind so that once you start, you can’t stop watching it.

LOL takes place in an uber Facebook and social media connected world. Lola is the main character along with Kyle, Emily, and Lola’s mom (Demi Moore). This story is about Lola’s life. Is she messing it up? Or are all of her friends and influences making it better? She doesn’t know anything other than Kyle. She is in love with him and they share an amazing relationship. The most important relationship shared in the movie though, is the relationship between Lola and Anne. A mother daughter relationship catches the eyes so you can’t take them off the screen.

Miley Cyrus did an amazing job playing the role of Lola. She’s young enough and she has enough potential to do almost any acting job. Miley did a great job capturing the emotion of a teenager in her situation. Demi Moore did an okay job playing the role of Anne, Lola’s mother. Honestly, she was a bit too young to have a teenage daughter, but she still did a good job. Douglas Booth played Kyle, one of Lola’s best friends who quickly turns into more than just her best friend. He did an amazing job playing the role of a teenage musician who’s dad doesn’t approve of anything. Douglas did a great job in the movie. Ashley Hinshaw did an okay job playing Lola’s best friend Emily. Her mother doesn’t approve of anything and Emily’s just trying her hardest to impress her peers. She didn’t completely capture the role of the girl her mother wanted her to be, but she still did a good job.

LOL was an excellent movie. I really liked how strong the bond was between Lola and Anne, (her mother). They really showed the world how important a mother daughter bond really is. When feeling sad, Lola and Anne would send each other a text message saying: “((((( HUG )))))”. Whoever received the text would go over to the other person and give them a long hug and they would snuggle with each other. It was adorable and the perfect way to demonstrate that even though they fight with each other, they will always make up. During one scene, Anne reads Lola’s diary and figures out that Lola is messing her life up. She tells Lola that she read the diary and a huge debacle begins to arise. Lola storms out of the house and rushes over to her Dad’s place. (Lola’s parents are divorced). Lola and Anne both start to feel very sad and Lola then writes Anne a very affectionate email. She states that she doesn’t want Anne to think that everything she is doing is her fault. Lola wants to let Anne know that she doesn’t have any influence on what Lola does. She then comes home late at night and the two of them make up from their fight. That scene was one of the turning points in their relationship. They became closer and could start to trust each other even more than they did before. I also greatly enjoyed the relationship between Kyle and Lola. They were the perfect couple but still stayed best friends in the long run. They would do all of the fun things best friends and couples do with each other. In one scene, when on a class trip to Paris, it started raining and all of their friends (and them) started playing in the rain and acting like true teenagers. You could really see the smiles on all of their faces and it really did brighten up my heart. There are so many good relationships and bonds between the characters in the movie and they way the writer expresses them, is amazing.

There were a few important lessons in the movie. One of the lessons is to not let yourself be put down or do things you don’t want to by peer pressure. Always stay strong and true to yourself. Others will take this in as a good and positive vibe. Another lesson is to stay close with the ones you love. If you ever feel yourself being pulled away from those important people in your life, do something to reagin the bond. There are a few important lessons in the movie and I think that other people will realize them and apply the lessons to their real life.

LOL applies mostly to teenagers since most of the actors are teenagers and it has to do with teenager’s lives. I would reccomend it to people mostly in high school, and I would not reccomend it to little kids. The MPAA rating of the movie is PG-13. Finally, LOL is an amazing film that will capture the heart’s emotions and once you watch it once, you just want to keep watching it over and over again. That’s how good it is.

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