Safe Haven | Teen Ink

Safe Haven

April 21, 2013
By Anonymous

“Safe Haven” Review

Safe Haven is a movie that always has you on the edge of your seat. With tons of cliff-hangers and a thrilling story, it’s a movie you will never forget. It’s a mix of excitement, fear, love, mystery, and relationships. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, get to the theaters!

The cast of this movie is phenomenal! Julianne Hough plays Katie in the movie, which is also the main character. Katie has been abused by her husband, Kevin, and has been trying to escape their home. Kevin’s role is played by David Lyons. Katie moves to South Port which is a town in North Carolina. She feels safe here, and she wants to start over. However, Kevin is out to find her. She meets a guy named Alex, played by Josh Duhamel, at a local store. He has two kids Lexi and Josh; Played by Mimi Kirkland and Noah Lomax. Throughout the movie, Katie and Alex begin to build a strong relationship. Alex helps Katie and protects her from all the bad things from her past.

Most of the actors and actresses did great in this movie. However David Lyons did not. Viewers may have felt he came across to scary and hard. His acting was a little to intense for a young viewer. When Katie had flash backs of her past, David’s acting was really frightening. Even though the he doesn’t pick his role or who he plays, the point could’ve gotten across in a gentler manner.

In this movie, the viewers and myself both enjoyed the setting and the story overall. The setting in Southport is beautiful. Many of the scenes take place by the water or by the dock. It was a wonderful place to film this movie. Also, the story is very touching. It makes you bring out all of your emotions. During the movie, you are laughing, crying, frightened, and hiding your face. There are strong relationships and bonds that make this movie strong. There wasn’t anything in this movie that I didn’t like.

Many lessons are taught in this movie. Overall the main message is to keep trying and never quit. Viewers also learn to not hide from what their scared of. It teaches you to continue on in life and try to forget all of the bad things. For older viewers, there are a lot of relationship lessons and things they can learn from.

Teens and young adults are the main target for this movie. I wouldn’t recommend it for young kids. Some of the scenes could be a little intense for them. I would definitely recommend it for teens. The MPAA rating of this movie is PG-13. This is because of the harsh language and fighting. Overall, this is a great movie. It’s one you have to watch. 5/5 stars.

The author's comments:
Inspired by "Safe Haven", the movie.

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