skyfall | Teen Ink


April 21, 2013
By max anastasio BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
max anastasio BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Skyfall Move Review

Skyfall is a good movie consisting of the main character James Bond or Daniel Craig who was an outstanding actor throughout all of the movie and he did not go through one seen that did not have an depth of emotion. The movies started out with James Bond who is now in his later years as a secrete agent and is coming off from a previous injury which is not allowing him to perform like himself. I thought the movie was good, although not seeing many other James Bond movies means I can really tell. But I in my own mind I thought that the movies had the right amount of suspense and action without over doing any explosions and even though there was a lot of violence threw out the movie. I also thought the movie went along with the story line really well and it did not go off topic. the one aspect I would take away from it is that they could have filed in more information about things like how this happened or what will happen.

Skyfall is that it is a great movie and I highly recommend it to many people but I think the people from 11 and up who really like mystery would like this movie the most. Lastly I would also like to post out all of the awards Skyfall has won with its great music by Adele which play a great role in the beginning of the movie, and the whole song of Skyfall was great and was well put together. Skyfall is a great action and mystery movie and I highly recommend it.

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