Instructions Not Included | Teen Ink

Instructions Not Included

September 25, 2013
By __alfaro BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
__alfaro BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Instructions Not Included, is a 2013 movie directed by Eugenio Derbez. Not only did Eugenio direct it but he was also a member of the cast. He is one of the most know mexican actors, he began acting when he was only 12 years old. He's mostly known for his halarious comedies but also for his inspiring acting. Eugenio Derbez was also in the heart touching movie of "La Misa Luna" (Under The Same Moon) in 2007.

If you watched some of Eugenio's work you'll know how diverse he can be. Most of Latin America recognizes him for his comedies. As funny as Eugenio can be he can also play a serious role just as-well. And he might not be known very well in America but he still working his way up in Los Angeles, Ca to become more popular. Instructions Not Included helped him alot in bringing his rates up.

After a long history of love storys Valentin (Eugenio Derbez) finds out that he has a baby daughter named Maggie. Coming across this news Maggies mom dissapears leaving them both abandoned. Valentin soon ends up realizing that Maggie was all he ever needed. Making Maggies life into a fary tale full of lies & storys of her moms adventures. What Valetin never expected was for Maggies mom to return exposing all the secrets.

Watching this movie it not only made me laugh but it also braught tears to my eyes. This movie hasa jaw dropping twist to it that I dont think anybody expected. I always love watching Eugenio's work he always knows hot to entertain people. Everytime I watch him with my friends we always enjoy ourselfs and their is always laughter in the room. Theirs even times when I watch him with my family on the weekends or after school when his shows come out.

Although this movie just came out its still one of my top favorite movies. Instructions Not Included is a must see movie for everyone to watch. Im the commercials nor your friends convinced you I hope my words did. Your missing out on it.

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