Ender?s Game | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game

November 21, 2013
By hevani haunga BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
hevani haunga BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
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The book called Ender?s Game is filled with interesting things. It focuses on an alien race which the humans call “buggers.” Apparently the buggers were coming back for the second invasion against the humans. In order to protect the world Major Cernal Graff went out to seek one person to command the upcoming battle. While searching for one special boy to command he stumbled upon Ender. Every child in the world holds a monitor in the back of their neck where Major Cernal Graff and crew can observe each person to see which person can enter the battle school. The monitor can see and hear everything to understand each child better. When they noticed Enders intelligence they put him to his first test by seeing how he would defend himself with his monitor taken out. When the monitor was taken out from Ender he was then bullied by this boy named Stilson. Ender knew that he had to protect himself if he never wanted to be ridiculed by this kid and his friends so he fought. When Ender fought he fought so that Stilson would never fight back again. When Major Graff saw Ender this way he immediately recruited him for the battle school. Ender was confused on what he wanted to do so he did what any other kid would do and he went to the battle school. Leaving to the battle school meant that he had to leave his beloved sister valentine behind him. She was filled with joy and happiness. On the other hand he was glad to leave behind his brother Peter who was nothing but a monster to Ender. Peter always threatened to kill Ender and he was ruthless when they fought.
When departing to the battle school Ender continued to be bullied but this time it was by a boy named Bernard and it wasn’t Enders fault that he was being bullied, it was Major Graff’s fault. While on the spacecraft Major Graff had stated to all the launchies’ that Ender was one of the best launchies’ there, which made everyone hate him. Ender once again knew he had to defend him self so he beat Bernard leaving him bleeding with a torn off ear. When Ender and the other launchies’ reached the battle school they immediately started training and battling. Ender had such great skills that he then moved up a level. In this next level he was under the command of this boy named Bonzo. While under the command of Bonzo Ender was instructed to hold down and not battle. While sitting on the side he was able to take notes on where the enemy stood. Ender was furious that he was not allowed to battle so he then asked the Bonzo why he was not allowed to battle. Ender was not going to take a no for an answer so he continued to argue and judge Bonzo until he then agreed to let him battle. In the battles ender great and Bonzo became jealous and he wanted to get revenge on Ender. In this situation Ender won because he also got to practice with Petra on his shooting. While Ender was taking a shower Bonzo intruded on him and started evoke him. With the same motto, Ender knew he had to defeat Bonzo. When Bonzo attacked, Ender then kicked him constantly and slammed his head onto the bathroom floor where he then passed out. Ender later heard the news that he had killed Bonzo.
This news instantly struck Ender really hard. Ender thought that he was a monster and he knew that the game was a waste of time. He never wanted anything to do with the battle school anymore and Major Graff knew he had to do something to convince Ender to stay since he was the only hope they had. To convince Ender to stay he then contacted Valentine since he knew that she had a special place in his heart. Valentine knew that she was there to convince Ender to stay and so did Ender. Knowing that the battle school was all that Ender had done for the past years of his life meant that all his hard work would go down the drain if he didn’t continue to let his work pay off. When reaching the battle school Ender took on his last challenge with his teacher Mazler Racklham. After constantly practicing Ender was then asked to command the battle war. When he thought that he was playing a regular computer game he was actually commanding a real war. After ruthlessly defeating the buggers he was devastated to find out that he killed living species.
The movie was different from the book because Ender was much older in the movie and Dap was much more mean and serious. The movie was also different because Mazer Gwen was a man in the book but a woman in the movie. In the settings I never thought that the battle room would look so round and high-tech. I also never thought that the spacecraft would be so nice. Some lines that were both stated in the movie and book were, “buggger, turd, and third.” Some of the evens that were missing from the movie were Demosthenes and Locke, which was good because that part was boring for me in the book. Another part that wasn’t included was the fight with Bernard in the spacecraft, which was kind of sad because I wanted to see more fights. One change that happened in the book was when Bonzo was on a machine and this was probably made to pressure ender. In the end I would say that the movie was way better tan the book because it was more interesting. I would say that you shouldn‘t read the book because it’s hard to believe. I would also say that you can watch the movie if you want to because the movies not good or bad its alright.

The author's comments:
i liked the movie because we had lots of popcorn and food.

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