Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 21, 2013
By Anonymous

The difference between a book and a movie are usually completely different, In this case I think that the movie contained most, to all-important parts. Though the movie wasn’t very exciting and boring at most times, it still related to the book in every way. There was only a hand full of minor changes that departed from the book. The book contained much more detail and made the events vivid in my mind.

The Book starts off 50 years ago, when an alien species invaded our planet. Now that they installed monitors into every kid in the world this would help them find the smartest kids and use them against the aliens. A young boy named Ender Wiggins, after beating up Stilson was noticed from the International Fleet (the IF), and taken into battle school where he was trained to wipe out the alien species. During battle school Ender is hated because of General Graff’s favoritism. Battle school consisted of numerous battles and simulations, and Ender mastered in all of them. With the help of his team they defeat the best team in battle school. Bonzo never took a liking to Ender, which results in him and Ender fighting in the showers. Bonzo got hurt so badly that he had to go back home to earth. Ender was so mad at himself that he reminded himself of his evil brother Peter. After this incident he leaves to earth and his sister Valentine talks him in to going back to battle school. Ender soon becomes promoted and heads to command school where he meets his new teacher Mazer Rackham. Mazer teaches him the Buggers formations and how to defeat them. Mazer Rackham was a legend that helped save our planet from the buggers, and was presumed dead. On what was said to be there “last simulation” turned into Ender destroying an entire alien race. While everyone was jumping with joy Ender stood there in silence disappointed that they didn’t tell him it was the real battle.

In the movie there was not much missing from it. Some parts they had to take out to make it a PG-13 movie; one part they took out included sleeping naked. I was really disappointed how Major Anderson wasn’t in a lot of the parts in the movie. Though they caught almost everything in the movie, the overall film was horrendous! It was very slow and had one funny or interesting part. The ending of the movie was the only thing that didn’t make me want to sleep. The director did a great job making sure the movie wasn’t off from the book, but I still think the book was a million times better. The movie could’ve enhanced the battle by making it more real instead of a simulation. I wish they changed some parts of the movie to make it more interesting.
I recommend the book instead of the movie. One reason is that the book had a lot of detail and that made it easier for me to create a picture in my head. When I was reading the book I could visualize a lot of events that were included in the book. One event included the last battle that ender had. I rate the book a 9 out of 10 because of the imagery. Also the story was very cool, and is one of the best sci-fi books I’ve ever read. I rate the movie a 3/10, because it was really boring, I don’t recommend to watch the movie because it’s a waste of your time and money. Overall, I think the book was interesting throughout, and was enjoyable to read. Don’t forget to read the book!

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