Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 21, 2013
By Emily Schoen BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
Emily Schoen BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enders Game

After reading the book, Enders Game, we watched the movie. From my own perspective, I thought the movie was great, I was content with it. If I hadn’t read the book I would think it was 10 times better. I think I expected a lot, from reading, it was so dramaticly detailed and I had expectations. The movie wasn’t completely different than the book, there was some parts are not included and some added on parts. Some different things that were in the movie were the characters. Enders age difference was definitly different than in the movie. In the movie they took him away at 6 and in the movie he was 15 years old. Other than that, Ender was the character I imagined he would be. Peter and Valentine was exactly how I imagined them to be, Peter being so violent and mean. Valentine being the sweet, loving older sister to Ender. Bean and Alai were exactly how I imagined them to be, both had the same personality and looks in the movie. When I first saw Bonzo, I was so surprised they made him smaller, shorter than Ender. Petra’s personality wasn’t the same as I thought it would be. I thought her character would be rugged and aggressive. The setting was what I expected it to be, it was in outer space and in a floating ship sort. I didn’t think the battle room would be so huge and I had a hard time visualizing it when we were reading the book.

As far as events missing and added on, there were several. When they were leaving earth in the space ship, Ender didn’t dislocate the boy’s arm. No one was being mean to Ender, or they weren’t as mean. When Ender was being transferred to different armies, he went from the Salamander Army to the Rat Army then he had his own Army. The Dragon Army. Ender skipped like 5 armies to go through and he didn’t really do anything. Bean and Alai were automatcily friends with Ender. Ender and Bean didn’t have the argument with each other about who should be the toon leader when they were in the same army. They completely cut out the part when Peter and Valentine tried to make a difference in the world and when Peter is trying to be a nicer person. Towards the end they didn’t have a scene when Valentine can aboard the starship and went out with Ender to find the queen ant.

Something the author changed was how well Ender became friends with everyone. Bean and Ender were not supposed to become friends so quickly, Ender knew Bean was smart and knew stagragtey but they always had arguments. Throughout the book Ender wasn’t isolated by everyone, they became friends with him. I think the author did this because they wanted it to make it realistic and easy to understand. Also for people that didn’t read the book to understand what it was about. I think Petra didn’t play her part the way I expected her to play it, she was more soft and not that tough to everyone and to Ender. She really opened up to him and helped him out. I thought she would be mean and not be so sure of him. I think the theme of Enders Game is “ Get to know your enemy before you hate them” I think the whole idea of this theme is that there could be a whole other side to your enemy that you may or may not like. You shouldn’t judge them by their appearence and what other people say. Overall I think the movie wasn’t what I expected it to be. I expected a lot. They cut out a lot of important but I understand why they didn’t that. I mean, I wouldn’t want to watch a 10 hour-long movie. But it was on point with the book.

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