Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 21, 2013
By Anonymous

Enders game movie comparison

Our 1st trimester book that we read was Enders game. I think that the book was pretty good. I also thought that the movie was pretty good too. If I had to choose between the movie and the book I would say that the book was a lot better. One reason that I think that the book was better was because you can read what he is thinking and it is easier to understand. I liked the book because they took out some of the important parts. One part that they took out was when Ender broke the kids arm in the space shuttle. Another part was when Valentine made the little fires on Enders birthday. They also took out the part when Ender came up with the move that he used in the battle room. I didn’t like how they added in certain parts that were not inside of the book like the part where Ender was asking if they were blocking his emails. They also changed the age of almost everyone in the movie. I did not like how they changed the end. In the end he was only not supposed to see any buggers that were alive. He was only supposed to find a queen bugger egg in the back of the mirror. I also did not like how they changed the feelings that Ender and Petra had towards to each other. In the book they were only friends but in the movie they fell in love. I did not like how Ender and Bean met in the space shuttle instead of when Ender got his very own army. They did not even put in the part where Alai kissed him but they did put in the part where he tells Ender something in Arabian. They also changed the part when Ender comes to Earth. When he comes to earth he is supposed to go swimming with Valentine and when he killed a wasp with his fingers. I did not like how they changed certain lines of dialog like when Ender decided that the enemy’s gate is down. They also changed what Mazor Rackham said to Ender in the part where he beat him up. They also changed the gender of major Anderson. In the book the character was a male but in the movie he was a female. I did not like how they added parts into the movie like when Ender sees the bugger queen. They also added in the part where Ender seen Bonzo having surgery. One part that they changed was when Ender seen the castle because in the book he brought a boy with him but in the movie he did not. I did not like how they changed the part where Ender seen Alai and his friends at command school. I think that they should have left in most of the parts from the book because it kind of made me confused when I seen the movie.

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I wrote it.

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