21 jump street | Teen Ink

21 jump street

November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

21 jump street is a movie stars Jonah Hill as Schmidt and Channing Tatum as Jenko. The directors are Chris Miller and Phil Lord

Schmidt and jenko went to the same high school. Jenko was very popular unlike Schmidt who wasn't popular at all. They end up both graduating form a police academy and become partner's . They end up becoming park police. They deal with not so important things like getting balls of the pond and telling kids not to feed the ducks.they get one big arrest for some bikers doing drugs but they cant charge him because janko didn't read him his rights. The capitin is feed up with there inability to get arrests. So he transfers them to a unit called
21 jump street. 21 jump street is a undercover unit that sends younger looking cops back to high school to contain this Drug ring. They have to live a Schmidt's parents house to look like high school kids. They go back to back to high school trying to figure out who the supplier is for all the drugs. Schmidt who wasn't cool becomes popular and jenko gets in with the nerd. They find out quickly that high school is what they thought It would be

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