Carrie | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By cpellie12 BRONZE, King George, Virginia
cpellie12 BRONZE, King George, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Based on the best selling novel by Stephen King, Carrie tells the story of a young, outcast teenager named Carrie White who discovers she has telekinetic powers. While being bullied at school and dealing with her overly religious mother, Carrie learns that her powers can help her but also destroy her. The first movie was originally made in 1976 and starred Sissy Spacek, 63. Since then there have been many different versions made including one that was just released this year that starred Chloë Mortez, (Carrie White) Julianne Moore, (Margaret White) and Gabrielle Wilde (Sue Snell). I definitely can say that it was money well spent going to see that movie. I truly believe that they stuck to the story very well and didn’t try to change it. Moretz played her character very well in the emotions and look in her eyes. Plus, with all the new technology we didn’t have in the 70’s they were able to make the movie look a lot more believable and dynamic with the special effects. It grossed seventeen million dollars and attracted an audience between 16-19. I went the first day it came out and there were practically no seats left in the whole theatre. Director, Kimberly Peirce, picked a very successful cast to star in the remake of the famous horror story. The story line was brought more to life with these amazing actors who played their parts very well. I won’t spoil the ending for those who don’t know the story but I will say the ending will leave you at the end of your seat.

From Atlanta George, sixteen year old Chloë Mortez began acting at age seven and has starred in movies such as Kick Ass 1-2, Amityville Horror, Dark Shadows, and the British-American movie Let Me In. But, she hasn’t gotten her huge break until she starred in Carrie. I thought she played her character amazingly. “I felt the need to go and fight this role to the death,” says the young actress in an interview, “and that’s exactly what I did.”

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