Lifted | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

The movie Lifted, is directed by Lexi Alexander, it is about a talented young singer (Uriah Shelton) finds his life falling apart when his Marine dad is re-deployed to Afghanistan, their house goes up for bank foreclose, and his raciest grandfather makes fun of his musical talents. With his father (Dash Mihok) overseas and his mother struggling with her drug addiction, Henry Matthews (Uriah Shelton) enters a huge singing competition with a $5,000 prize. Growing up, Henry and his dad wrote music together. Now that Henry's dad is gone his family is falling apart. Determined to keep his family together, Henry uses his voice and the musical talents learned from his father to carry his family through hard times till his dad comes home.
It is a movie that shows an untouched situation in our country, the Military families and all the things they have to give up in order to stay together as a family. Most people don't understand that not only the active parent/child but the whole family serves this country. Parents, grandparents, and the children of Military veterans give up things on a daily basis so that we all can live in peace. This movie shows a great example of the stress and sacrifices that Military families have to go through when their family hero has to go away for a long period of time or worst, watching them leave and never come back. I really enjoyed this movie, it helped me see how blessed I am to not have to go through what those families experience daily. It had a great story line, so inspiring to all ages. The boy in the movie has a voice like of an angel, it really moves an audience. I love everything about this movie, I wouldn’t change anything.
This movie is really directed towards any age. It teaches you to appreciate your family, and count your blessing every chance you get. I strongly recommend this movie to families going through any type of struggles or hard times. You won’t regret watching this movie, nothing but positive outcomes.

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