Ender?s Game The Movie And The Book | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game The Movie And The Book

November 22, 2013
By leodavincibro BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
leodavincibro BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game The Movie And The Book

Ender’s Game the book, and Ender’s Game the motion picture were different, but also the same in their own ways. I don’t think that the similarities or differences really affected my opinion on the motion picture, or the book. The movie starts off by showing 50 years ago, when an alien species invaded Earth and Mazer Rackham sacrificed his life to save the world. Ender still had the monitor in him, but they took it out. He thought he was done, but actually that was their last test to see what he would do without the monitor, to see if he was fit to become a future leader and stop the buggers. After beating up Stillson, the IF went to his house to take him to battle school to train for the future invasion. During battle school Ender is hated because of Graffs favoritism towards him. Graff in the book was very much like the Graff in the movie, but I pictured him to be younger. Like in the book, Ender went through many simulations and battles in battle school. He was a great solder in the book and in the movie. When he was upgraded to commander he became the leader of the Dragon Army, which was cut from battle school years ago, due to losing all the time, but Graff wanted to push Ender to his limits. With the help of his team they defeated the best team in battle school, the Salamander Army. Ender went to his last testing stages at the final simulator. Some of his friends like Petra and Bean helped him to try and defeat the buggers in the simulator. Ender Defeated the Buggers by destroying their planet, but after he did he found out that it was all real, and not a game. Ender was distraught but he found a Bugger egg from the Queen Bugger and left to find a new home for them so they could live again. Ender had done so much destruction in his life, but it was time that he would restore his old life and balance.
Some of the characters in the book were missing in the movie, but the ones that were included had acted like the ones in the book. I liked Ender’s character in the motion picture. I thought he would have been smaller, but he matched very well as Ender because of his innocent and kind look, but also able to become violent and angry at the same time. Valentine was a good character for the movie production. She was a very kind and sweet sister, as she was in the book, but that’s not how I pictured she would look when I read the book. Peter was only in one part of the movie but for that short clip he was mean and cruel to Ender, but not as mean as he was in the book. When they played Buggers and Astronauts he had threatened to kill Ender, in the motion picture but it did not seem as violent as I had pictured it when I read the book. When Ender went battle school he met his friends like Alai, Bean, and Petra. The motion picture did a good job of introducing those characters through out the movie. When he first went to battle school, he did not have any friends, and the leaders would pick him out, and it made the others very jealous and angry. Like in the one scene where Graff said, “the only one with brains here is Ender”, which he also quoted in the book. Bonzo lost to Ender, which was supposed to be an easy, win because they weren’t as experienced as them, but still won. Bonzo was not like how I pictured him in the book because he was very small. Petra was a great character in the movie and the book, and I liked her character. Overall this movie was pretty good. They could have made much longer and separate it into more that one movie, which I thought would’ve been better, but I still liked it. I think that the book was better than the movie just because it wasn’t so “PG-13” which made the book more serious and intense, which is what I liked about the book. Since that same kind of intensity wasn’t shown through out the movie it wasn’t as good as the book.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece to compare the Ender?s Game book to the movie.

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