Frozen | Teen Ink


February 13, 2014
By PhoebeHu BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
PhoebeHu BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Frozen Delight

Disney’s Frozen has been the number one box office hit in America for 12 weeks. That’s because America is in love with the movie Frozen - Visuals, characters, straight music and writing.

The visuals of this movie are spectacular. I like each character’s costume. There is so much variety, and they are very beautiful. Because I want to be a clothes designer so the costumes were very interesting to me. My favorite costume is Elsa’s - the snow queen’s. After she builds the snow castle, she changes her dress. I love that dress. The delicate light blue, and it sparkles. It is very tight, and the hemlines have an irregular design. I also enjoyed seeing the setting in this movie. The snow looks very real and beautiful, and the frozen castle makes me feel very cold like I have been in a refrigerator.
I can not wait any longer to talk about my favorite character. It is Elsa, the older sister. After she had an accident with her sister, Elsa promises to keep her powers secret from her sister. She has a good heart, and she does not want to hurt her again. Elsa is not like Cinderella's step sisters or like a villain. Her parents asked her to be a good girl and a good queen like Queen Esther was. She had too much responsibility for too long, though. She was tired of pretending to be someone she was not. After her secret was revealed during the night of the crowning ceremony, she had to run away. The people were afraid of her powers. She could no longer protect her sister. She built a fantastical and magical kingdom, where she would be the reigning queen. Watching this movie, I can understand this character. Last week, I watched the musical Wicked. I feel the character Elphaba is very similar to Elsa. Both have magic powers and can not be who they want to be.
One of the most popular parts of this movie is the music. For example, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman”, “Let it go”, “For the First Time in Forever”, and “In Summer” are all my favorite songs. I think these songs because they include modern popular music. The music fits this generation, and many teenager love the songs. Also, young people can understand the songs. Each song reflects each situation perfectly. The stanza “ The snow glows white on the mountain tonight...A Kingdom of isolation. And it looks like I’m the queen”(“Let it Go”) is a good example. When this song is playing, Elsa is angrily climbing the snow mountain and she looks very determined. These songs are also very inspiring. “Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates? I can’t wait to meet everyone! I am nothing like the life I’ve lead so far”(“For the First Time in Forever”).When these words are playing, Anna - the younger sister is very excited and hopping like a bunny rabbit. She can not wait for this ceremony. She wants to see her sister; she wants to meet more people. She knows after her sister becomes queen, everything new would start for the first time.
The writing captivates the audience and keeps them spell bound. It is very creative, and there is some irony like when the snowman wants to go to the beach to be warm. He says, “The hot and the cold are both so intense. Put them together; it just makes sense. Put me in summer, and I’ll be a happy snowman”(“In Summer”). The snowman’s words can make many people chuckle.
This movie won the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, five Emmy Awards, two Critic’s Choice Awards and nominated for two Oscars. Why don’t you go to the theater this weekend to see it? I’m going to see it again for the 3rd time!

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