Rocky | Teen Ink


February 21, 2014
By glob347 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
glob347 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


In this classic 70’s hit, Sylvester Stallone stars as Rocky, a ignorant small time boxer and loan shark tough guy who gets a chance to fight for the world heavyweight championship. He starts out like a bum, but slowly evolves into a deeper character. It plays out like your classic hero movie, people cheering, got his dream girl, and even managed to defeat all odds, including his own stubbornness. As the movie progresses on, Rocky begins to really develop character, and the audience is there to enjoy the whole ride. Americans have always loved the underdog, and this movie displays the true power of the little guy. Compared to modern movies, the special effects, of the little that are present, don’t compare. But in the time it was created, it was the cream of the crop. The movie was filmed in a mere 28 days, which would be a impossible feat in our modern world today. Stallone himself wrote the story, which is evident in the script, which is lacking in spice and interest. Directed by John G Avildsen, this was one of his earlier famous hits, really put him on the map in the film world. Rocky will continue to be recognized as one of the best films of all time, or at least the AFI thinks so, being 78th on the best movies in the last hundred years.

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