Forrest Gump | Teen Ink

Forrest Gump

February 21, 2014
By emmaswimmer13 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
emmaswimmer13 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whether or not you know “life is like a box of chocolates” or “stupid is as stupid does” you have probably heard of Forrest Gump, and for good reason. Forrest Gump is a touching tale of a young man, who, despite a low IQ, accomplishes more than most people do in a lifetime. Forrest inspires all who watch him on his journey both in the film and on the big screen. Things that are done in this film that seem insignificant contribute to the story as a whole. The tale accurately traverses the ages in which Forrest lives and includes small pieces of the history of the time in a way that makes it refreshing and enjoyable to watch. The attention to detail in the film is impeccable, and the way that it flows leaves you satisfied yet craving more. The depth of the storyline contributes to the many themes and symbols layered in the plot. Forrest is unlike any characters we have met in the movies of the past generation. His innocence and zest for life are stimulating and fresh, and the complexity of his character is superbly and meticulously portrayed by a young Tom Hanks. In actuality, all characters in the movie are incredibly defined and each play an important role in the development of Forrest and the movie as a whole. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, this film has won such critically acclaimed awards as Oscars, Golden Globes and Screen Actor’s Guild awards. I thought it was a touching classic that all need to watch at sometime in their life. By watching it sooner than later, the knowledge and way of thinking that is gained from watching this film will stay with you for the rest of your life.

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