Nonstop | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By alliS BRONZE, Glendale, Arkansas
alliS BRONZE, Glendale, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nonstop- Stays True to Its Title-
The movie "Nonstop" is an action-packed film about a plane being hijacked. This genre of action is so popular because it keeps the audience on the edge of their seats throughout the entire movie. It is relatable to all shootings, the 9/11 plane crash, the recent Malaysia Airlines disappearance, and our struggling government today. "Nonstop" relates to other films, as well as makes connections to our world today. You won't be able to look away because the producer creates an emotional connection to the characters by the thrilling events in the movie.
There are many films that fall into the action category. To film has movies similar to mine which are the movies "Flight Plan" and, surprisingly, "Spiderman". In the film "Nonstop", character, Bill Marks, is a government official on the plane. Hijacker attempts to frame the official to make the government look bad; as a matter of fact, he does this by threatening to kill passengers on the plane every twenty minutes, until the official deposits a whopping $1,000,000 into his bank account. The reason the hijacker accomplishes his goal is by making the official kill his passengers, keeping the hijacker in disguise and safe. Similarly, in the movie "Flight Plan", a government official is also being framed, and in the popular film, "Spiderman", the audience is guessing who the real Spiderman is, just like the passengers are trying to figure out who the hijacker is.
The movie perfectly represents tragedies that are happening around our world today. It puts you into a frantic situation, but without harm because you're only in the movie theater. Oh wait; there are shootings that have happened in movie theaters! The producers of "Nonstop" also added an emotional connection to the daughter of Bill Marks by telling that the daughter had cancer before she passed away. For anyone who has a family member or a connection to someone with cancer, the producers have the audience hooked. Even if the audience does not know anyone personally with cancer, it still tugs at our heartstrings when the subject is brought up.
At the end of the film, the government official finds a bomb in a suitcase of a passenger on the plane. The act creates chaos because the official has to find a way to keep people safe on the plane. The passengers have to develop trust in the official even though he could be lying. Along with all other emotional connections and attachments, there is love. The official has to trust someone to help him find the hijacker on the plane when no one else believed in him. A women, Jen, fell love with Bill, the government official, and Jen tries to help Ben and the rest of the government from looking like the enemy. This movie was a perfect choice to go see!

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