The Purge | Teen Ink

The Purge

April 11, 2014
By Ridley8 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Ridley8 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody takes their own time to fuck up spaghetti in their own special way, "~ Anthony Bourdain

Purge: Who Doesn’t Want One of Those?

The movie Purge came out in 2013 and was expected to be a super scary thriller. The movie ended up being a big let down to those who wanted nightmares from it. However, I was watching for the beautiful aspect of a “purg
e”. A purge is basically a 12 hour period in which all things are legal including murder, there are no emergency facilities like hospitals or police stations, and its usually an anarchists dream. This movie was a huge hit especially around teenagers because hey, lets face it, we’ve all wished that we could just annihilate that one teacher, that one kid in the halls who walks WAY TOO SLOW, or that girl in class who just won’t shut it.

Purge was truly popular to literally every age group (leaving out the severely young/old). There is not a single person in the world who doesn’t wish they could just let out all their anger without the worry of any repercussions. So many people deal with so much crap all the time, they stay quiet, and do not act. This makes purge is a beautiful dream and a fascinating dystopian horror that is bound to attract many walks of life! Dystopians are so huge in today’s society for the reason that we all feel that some part of our life is a dystopia. High schoolers are constantly being divided into groups and pitted against each other, and every so-often a fight breaks out. They fight, and they get in trouble. All of those fighters would probably adore a few hours where they could avoid suspensions and still do as they please. Of course, violence is not the only thing teens would have to look forward to during purges, they would all get to say whatever they wanted too.

The movie Purge was actually a very well done film, it just wasn’t as scary as everyone thought it would be. It actually had a few good notes of humour and was very suspenseful. The story followed a family whose son had a change of heart and allowed a man to crash with them for the purge. Their son unknowingly unleashed the power of a cult of Purgers who were determined to eliminate their mark. They infiltrated the house, killed half of the family, and didn’t get their mark. It was a very well developed movie but it lacked the fear factor due to the people in the movie having the ability to think which never makes horror movies fun. Despite the fact that we scream at them to not go through that door or to stab the guy with that screwdriver we all know that if they did do that the movie wouldn’t be scary. So purge lacked the fear factor but had a very realistic concept to it when it came to the people’s reaction to what occurred.

Purge, in one word: enthralling. It had very interesting factors and a beautiful idea of a dystopia where crime rate was down to 1%, unemployment was nearly nonexistent, and everything was seemingly perfect. But with one big catch: One annual night of punishment free crime. Twelve hours where you had to pray that you did nothing to aggravate someone to the point of them trying to harm you and hoping that you had the ability to protect yourself sufficiently. It is also twelve hours in which you can be free of any limits if you’re willing to take the risk. I supposed that is what gained Purge it’s ability to make a sequel that is coming out July 18, 2018.

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