Frozen | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By Rachel Linden BRONZE, Glendalw, Arizona
Rachel Linden BRONZE, Glendalw, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Frozen: A Heart-Warming Tale

Disney films are in a sense, childhood. We all remember growing up and being utterly consumed by the enchantment of Disney. As children we would imbibe the captivating tales of fantasy and triumph. Although we are older now, the magic of Disney still creates a lasting impression. The film “Frozen” appeals to both children and adults alike. The movie captures in a heart warming tale the story of a young girl finding her independence. Unlike other Disney films, “Frozen” encompasses discovering yourself and defining your own future. Ultimately it was the overall theme of independence that contributed to the success of “Frozen”.

Disney movies have always been a popular genre, because they appeal to many on
various levels and aspects. The light musical fun of Disney creates an expansive audience. By providing both comedy for adults and magical experience for children; Disney achieves its success. It is the perfect blend between comedy and enchantment that leads “Frozen”to success; as a result, the ability for Disney films to appeal to such a diverse audience ultimately ensures its popularity.

Unlike other fairy tales “Frozen” focuses on strength and the importance of family rather than romance. The protagonist, Anna, ultimately sacrifices herself to save her sister; stressing the importance of family. The primary theme of the movie was the significance of family and inner strength. It is ultimately these ideals which cause “Frozen” to stand out among other Disney films.

“Frozen” was captivating from beginning to end; the characters and overall originality made it very enjoyable. I thought the unique theme and music made “Frozen” a very successful Disney film. It was a story of self discovery wrapped up in a whimsical tale of fun and adventure. The visual effects and magical plot was fantastic; which in turn made for a very memorable film. The ability for “Frozen” to capture and entertain the audience created a movie that everyone could enjoy.

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