21 Jump Street | Teen Ink

21 Jump Street

April 11, 2014
By Anonymous

21 Jump Street Jumps in Head First

Among the most popular genres of the modern day film industry is action comedy. Almost all types of comedy are popular in today’s society, such as; dramatic comedy, romance comedy, and even comedic horror. Action comedy, however, gives us a nice combination of intense thrill as well as lung-busting laughter. Although action comedy appears to have the genres in its name, it really is only one genre brilliantly composed of two of the most blockbusting film categories of all time.

Recently there has been a large amount of action comedies that have been mightily successful. When discussing modern comedy, you have to mention Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, and of course many others. However, in the action comedy film 21 Jump Street, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum stepped into the spotlight. Many action comedies over the years have had something to do with people who screw up all the time that aren’t supposed to screw up. In the case of 21 Jump Street, two cops; Hill and Tatum, are clumsy police officers that get sent back to high school undercover. Of course, there is no drought of hilarious mishaps.

In the film, there are a lot of things that go wrong. For example, Hill and Tatum mix up their identities so they get put in classes and clubs not meant for them. Jonah Hill gets placed in drama and track, where he miserably fails at first. Channing Tatum gets put in AP Chemistry where he doesn’t have the slightest clue of what to do. Also, there is the issue of the fact that they both don’t look like they belong to the high school age group. However, as the movie progresses, they work themselves into the cool crowd and everyone sort of forgets. The reason for them to get into the cool crowd is so they can track down a trending, highly dangerous drug. When they get involved with drugs is when the action arises.

21 Jump Street is a very successful action comedy film because it hits every element: action, comedy, and even a little suspense. Because the movie has a lot of popular modern actors like Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, and even Rob Riggle. It is obvious that this movie will attract young people. Teenagers will especially like this film because they can relate to a lot of the things that happen such as high school life and peer pressure. Also, a lot of young girls will like to see Channing Tatum. 21 Jump Street is a very good overall action comedy film and is definitely recommended for all ages, especially for the young crowd.

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