Frozen | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By AmberZ BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
AmberZ BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Help will always be given at Hogwarts for those who DESERVE it." ~Albus Dumbledore

Love is an Open Door? Or is it just for Disney?

It’s not very hard to figure out why all of us, children and adults alike, enjoy the many films of Disney. These Disney films tend to be animated and always end up with the fairy- tale ending of a “Happily Ever After.” The reasoning behind this enjoyment comes from the story of falling in love and overcoming outside threats. We all will eventually find our true love, and we all find some kind of enjoyment in overcoming obstacles and achieving greatness. These connections with the films, and with an extra touch of magic, cause us to fall in love with these films. Frozen, one of the newest Disney animated movies, has hit the big screen and has made us fall in love with another one of Disney’s masterpieces.

In both theme and amount of enjoyment, Frozen is so similar to all of Disney’s previous films (from the classics and beyond!). Like the other Disney films such as, The Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, and Tangled, Frozen has to do with love, but it brings it to a whole new level. These stories of love draw us in and bring us happiness; during these films we feel as those we will find our true love. Throughout all these films, overcoming obstacles and having even the impossible possible is another key theme brought in from the world of Disney. This common theme reflects some of the struggles that we face, such as not fitting in and feeling trapped, and this connection draws us in. Even Frozen has its own sort of obstacle.

In the land of Arendelle, the King and Queen have two daughters, Elsa and Anna. Elsa, however, has magical icy powers. While they were very young, Anna had the memory of Elsa’s powers removed, so Elsa was locked away from her sister. While the King and Queen were on one of their business journeys their ship wrecked, and this left Elsa (the eldest daughter) to rule once she turned 18. Once Elsa finally turns 18, they host a coronation to celebrate Elsa becoming Queen. During the celebration, Elsa refuses Anna’s marriage; this makes Anna upset, so Anna removes Elsa’s glove. This argument causes Elsa to reveal her powers, and it forces Elsa to flee and leave Arendelle in a winter-gone-wrong that she created. Anna then goes to save Arendelle and mend her relationship with her sister.

This might just be another Disney movie to some and will never become a classic to last a lifetime, but as a story of overcoming obstacles and finding your true love, Frozen’s nothing short of perfection. Most teens these days go out and see Disney movies to get a flash from the past and relive these fairy-tale worlds where you find the ONE and anything is possible, and as a fifteen year old girl I see this enjoyment. Throughout the movie I also see the connection with my own life, not only with trying to find the love of my life like Anna, but feeling different from everyone else like Elsa. (and trying to escape from reality!) Overall, it doesn’t matter how old you are; when you watch this film you will feel the connection of falling in love, finding the RIGHT guy, and achieving nothing less than greatness, or fir Disney’s sake, your “Happily Ever After.”

The author's comments:
This is a movie review that I created for my Language Arts class.

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