Can't Stop, Won't Stop, Non-Stop! | Teen Ink

Can't Stop, Won't Stop, Non-Stop!

April 26, 2014
By ReginaN BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
ReginaN BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The new popular movie everyone seems to gape at when you hear the name is Non-Stop. This Film contains the genre of action mixed with suspense. This category of all genres created is popular because its high energy, addiction to keep your attention and its intense chaos that really pulls a great movie together. I would say the reasons why action based films are popular to society are because they portray struggles in real life scenarios like secrets to our government, people risking the law and living wild as well as the interest to see something truly exciting.
The film, Non-Stop, fits appropriately into the action genre because it contains the following characteristics: A resourceful character struggling against incredible odds (which include life-threatening situations), a villain, or a pursuit which generally concludes in victory for the “hero.” Action movies also feature various physical stunts and activities, chase scenes, races--Fast &The Furious--rescues, battles, martial arts and destructive disasters. Non-Stop has many heart racing and cliff-hanger scenes which also places this movie into the genre of action and suspense.
Non-Stop’s conflict is intense and features dramatic plot twists. The films is shown through the perspective of 56 year old Liam Neeson who plays Bill Marks, a grieving alcoholic air marshal on board a transatlantic flight to London. 30,000 feet in the air, he receives a series of taunting texts from a mysterious sender threatening to kill one passenger every 20 minutes unless he can persuade his superiors to wire $150 million to an offshore bank account, his suspicions bear out. Who can be trusted and who is a possible terrorist?
Non-Stop is a good movie based on the suitable characters, plot and the editing of the film. The main characters: Julianne Moore as Jen Summers, a business woman, Nate Parker as Tom Bowen, partner in crime accompanied with Nate Parker as Zack White and of course the well-known Liam Neeson as Bill Marks, the air marshal. These actors and actresses emphasized their characters really well. The plot of the film kept me interested and there was always something new to the table revealed from the unknown sender. The editing was great because at scenes the camera would have a rapid jump from one scene to the other. For example, Liam is interrogating the passengers when all of a sudden, you see one of the female flight attendants hit the roof. The film definitely had many shocking twits; as a result, Non-Stop was a good movie.

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