The Wolf of Wall Street | Teen Ink

The Wolf of Wall Street

May 7, 2014
By Keegan O&#39Hare BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Keegan O&#39Hare BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Wow! This movie pushes the boundaries of what is socially acceptable for a movie to do; whether it is the drugs, the nudity, and the life style that it encourages. However, this movie simply does not care that it pushes the envelope on these issues because it knows that its viewers are primarily from the young male viewers. I have heard many a female peer of mine say “Every guy loves that movie and girl think it’s just ok or gross”. Another common criticism is that Jordan Belford is such a shady character that it is hard to support or root for him during the film. I found myself feeling disappointed at the mistakes that Jordan kept making throughout the film. It could be compare to horror film when everyone knows that the main character should not go it a particular room but they always do. However, even though I disliked this character, I found the film had events that happened in a quick succession I never found myself bored.

The story line in the movie is fast paced, so fast in fact at the end of this 3 hour movie I still want more. A basic summary of the plot starts with a young man named Jordan Belfort who has just lost his job and is looking for work. He finds a new boss who is making money by selling stocks for more than what they are really worth. Soon after that we see Jordan Belfort get into selling penny stocks and his profits soar but he is never satisfied and always wants more; which leads him to hiring his partner Donnie Azoff. Donnie is just as crazy as Jordan and encourages Jordan to make poor decisions throughout the movie. Without spoiling too much this is where Jordan’s life begins to become more and more corrupt. I think this movie pushes the greed is good mentality by showing the lavish life that Jordan lives. I have heard my friends say that they would live his life even knowing the consequences.

I would consider this movie a Biographical Comedy. I looked up more about the real Jordan Belfort after my viewing of this film and I was amazed at how accurate the film was compare to real life. The humor in this movie is very predictable situation humor but it still managed to make me laugh. This movie shows how people can get rich quickly and change the market. This movie is very eye opening because it pulls back the curtain Wall Street; showing the dark empty truth behind many millionaires on Wall Street. Taking up to 50% on the sale of penny stocks hurts a lot more people than one might think. I personal know someone who was involved in a Wall Street scam and he said that the movie is scary accurate representation of what really happens when young people get rich and think that their luck and money will last a life time. Jordan Belfort played by Leonardo Dicaprio is simply a stunning performance in this movie.

This movie may seem like a good time it encourages a reckless life style but it also shows the negative effects of this life style because Jordan Belfort does end up paying for what he had done during his time living the exotic life style. I can recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for fast pace movie with an interesting story line, lots of humor and is not afraid of adult topics.

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