Ride Along | Teen Ink

Ride Along

May 7, 2014
By AlexOlson BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
AlexOlson BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For my movie review, I chose the movie Ride Along. The two main actors in this movie are Kevin Hart, a comedian, and Ice Cube, an actor/rapper. I thought that this movie was fantastic and super funny. I was not expecting a whole lot from this movie when I went to go see it, but it turned how to be so much better than I had thought. I was entertained throughout the entire movie and shared a ton of laughs. There are several reasons as to why I thought this way about this enjoyable comedy movie.

I thought Kevin Hart and Ice Cube did a wonderful job acting together in this movie. They had a great on-screen chemistry, and worked extremely well together and brought out each other’s best. They really made the movie feel authentic. Kevin Hart, who is a comedian, had so many great one-liners and I could not stop laughing. My eyes were tearing up from how much I was laughing. Comedy movies are my favorite type and this was definitely up there in my favorites. This movie can appeal to any audience for several different reasons. There were a ton of references throughout the movie that some people related to. There was some language that probably would not be good for young children, but anyone from teens and up would enjoy this movie. When I went to go see it, there were all ages in the movie theater and all seemed to enjoy it.

The clarity of the movie was excellent; it was easy to understand what was going on the whole time. The movie did not have a confusing plot, and it was easy to follow along and understand. The movie did not stray from the plot, which was a great thing because it did not get off topic. The movie was about a guy (Kevin Hart) who wanted to join the police academy and also wants to marry his girlfriend, whose brother is already a police officer (Ice Cube). In order to prove himself and obtain a blessing from his girlfriend’s brother, Hart has to go on a ride along with Cube for the day. Throughout the movie, they get themselves into unexpected problems. The plot was well thought out and entertained me the whole time. The setting of a big city really fits into the whole theme. The movie could be realistic, but not likely; it was not something that was a fantasy or out of this world. There was no superhero or anything pertaining to that. It was something that could happen in someone’s life, but the movies purpose was to entertain.

When the movie did have special effects, they were done extremely well. Everything looked real, which was important when using special effects. There was a scene where this huge building caught on fire, and the way it exploded it looked exceptionally real. I thought that the movie had a lot of originality and uniqueness. This movie was different from a lot of comedies that I have seen, and I think that is because of its creativity and inventiveness. A lot of movies have created the same plot line and one can guess what happens next. That did not happen in this movie; they have not been only movies like this, so it kept me on my toes the entire time.

For the overall mood, I did enjoy this outrageously funny comedy. I appreciate a good comedy and love having my eyes glued to the big screen the complete time. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who adores comedies. It definitely appeals to all audiences for its humor. It was worth the price to see it in the movie theater. I thought it was hilarious and creative.

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