A Better Life | Teen Ink

A Better Life

March 6, 2018
By SecretButterfly16 GOLD, Sacramento, California
SecretButterfly16 GOLD, Sacramento, California
15 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you want to see - Ghandi

Is family strong enough to overlook anything? How about people with guns at your destination keeping you from reaching your family, who is stronger? A Better Life is about a man, Carlos Galindo and his son, Luis Galindo. Carlos and his son live in LA trying to make it through the struggles of being an illegal immigrant and living everyday life trying to have a good life and work. Carlos determination to have a better life for him and his son might of cost him being able to be with his son.  Can one movie open our eyes to the real story behind most people's lives living in immigration?

The movie, A Better Life  sets in the city of LA. Carlos Galindo is played by the actor Demian Bichir. Demian shows the struggles of a single parent and being a illegal immigrant in California. Carlos “son”, Luis Galindo is played the actor Jose Julian, who is unfortunately not a immigrant. Luis was born on California soil and that makes the risk of being caught by the la migra or ICE even more tragic. If Carlos were to get caught, Luis wouldn't be able to go with him giving he is legal and a American citizen.

In the movie we are introduced to a green beat up truck that runs well that a friend of carlos  and is trying to sell it to him. Of course Carlos wants to buy the truck but one he doesn't have his license and two he has no money. This truck has some significance to the plot, it pulls the story along. This truck helps them get places and helps the story lead up to the big climax. It's basically a tool the writer used to move the story along smoothly.

Wanting a better life is a great goal and you will do anything for it but the risks are severe.  Sometime even your life is on the line  but you do it anyway to get the chance at a new beginning. You would do anything for your new chance you would do everything for your family but sometimes moving makes you lose your culture in the process.


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