Avengers Infinity War Review | Teen Ink

Avengers Infinity War Review

June 8, 2018
By Anonymous

For the past ten years Marvel fans have been waiting for the release of Avengers Infinity War, which came out on April 27, 2018.  There have been 18 previous Marvel films that led up to this film. In the movie, the Avengers face their greatest threat of all time, Thanos. He is a human like alien who was born on Saturn’s moon Titan. Because of a genetic mutation, his body is purple. When his mother gave birth to him she was able to sense the hatred within him, and she tried to kill him. As he grew up, his planet had become overpopulated and there wasn’t enough food for everyone. Thanos came up with a solution: Kill off half the population, randomly. While most people would consider him crazy for coming up with such a horrific idea, he truly believed that it was the only way. Furthermore, as time went on, Thanos’s home planet had fallen apart as a result of overpopulation. Thanos realized that his plan would have saved his planet so he makes it his life goal to kill off half the population on every planet in the universe. However, pulling this off would take years, if not forever (assuming the universe is infinite). Therefore, he needed a way to instantly wipe out half the population of the universe. As time went on, Thanos’ discovered a weapon called the Infinity Gauntlet that allows a person to have god like powers when they wear it. In order for these powers to be activated, six stones need to be placed in each knuckle. These are called the Infinity Stones, and they have appeared in different Marvel movies in the past. The green time stone is in possession of Dr. Strange. The red reality stone is on the planet Knowwhere. The yellow kind stone is imbedded in the head of a powerful avenger known as Vision. The Soul stone ends up being on a planet called Vormir. The Blue space stone is being held by Loki of Asgard, aka the God of Mischief. Lastly, the power stone is held on a planet called Zandar where the Guardians of the Galaxy series takes place.  In Avengers Infinity War, Thanos is hunting for all the stones so he can complete the gauntlet. This would give him God-like powers, and enable him to wipe out half the universe with the snap of his fingers.

One of the biggest mysteries in the marvel universe was the location of the Soul Stone. There were many theories as to where it existed. Some theorists said that it was  in the city of Wakanda, a fictional place in modern day Africa, where the superhero known as the Black Panther lives. People believed this because in the trailer for infinity war it showed a scene from the battle in Wakanda. Fans thought the avengers and thanos were fighting over the stone. Another theory was that Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard, was in possession of the stone. The reason for this was because he always had an orange rock in his chest plate and his eyes were orange, the color of the soul stone. Unfortunately, none of these theories were true, as it was discovered on Vormir.

After watching the movie myself, I have come to the conclusion that it is the best Marvel movie of all time. There are many reasons for this. First off, I felt that Thanos performed great as the main villain. I was able to understand his point of view and where he was coming from. One can actually consider him the main character of the film. He hunted for all the Infinity stones throughout the movie, and it showed step by step how he did it. It’s as if the story was being told from his point of view. This, in conclusion, is what made the movie so fascinating. Not only that, but in the end Thanos ends up getting all of the stones and kills off half the universe. Half of the avengers turn into dust and the movie ends like this. No one knows what will happen next until Avengers 4 is released in May of 2019. Will the avengers find a way to turn back time and reverse the damage Thanos had done? We won’t know until it comes out.

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