Gilmore Girls | Teen Ink

Gilmore Girls

October 19, 2008
By VandaNoon PLATINUM, West Pittston, Pennsylvania
VandaNoon PLATINUM, West Pittston, Pennsylvania
42 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
what i can remember
is a lot like water
trickling down a page
of the most beautiful colors
-Marie Digby 'Unfold'

“Rory and I are friends first; mother and daughter second. You and I are mother and daughter always,” Lorelai tells her mother, Emily. A main aspect of the show Gilmore Girls is easily synopsized by this comment.

The show, Gilmore Girls, takes place in the fictional town of Stars Hollow near Hartford, Connecticut. Lorelai Gilmore left her home in Hartford after giving birth to her daughter at the age of sixteen. She refused to marry Rory’s father, and she refused to follow her parents’ strict lifestyle anymore. She left her privileged lifestyle and moved to Stars Hollow, a nearby town.

The show opens when Lorelai is in her thirties, and Rory is a teenager. The town is filled with quirky, eccentric characters. The dialogue is witty, from the first time Lorelai opens her mouth.

Lorelai and Rory have an estranged relationship with her parents, but in the first episode of the series, Lorelai is forced to approach them with a request for a loan to pay for Rory’s tuition to the fictional prep school, Chilton. Her mother counters the offer with a demand that they eat Friday night dinner with them every week.

The relationship with Lorelai’s parents, Richard and Emily, is consistently aggravating for her throughout the seven seasons of the show, and it is constantly changing. At times, they seem happy, but at times, she is furious with them. In contrast, Lorelai and Rory remain incredibly close throughout the series, and they are each other’s best friends. Their relationship contrasts greatly with Lorelai’s relationship with her parents. Rory, however, remains on good terms with them, for the most part.

Gilmore Girls is more than just the average television show. The story arch is ongoing, and the plots never drop at random, like in many shows. The characters have in-depth backgrounds, and in each episode you learn new things. Rory and Lorelai fall in and out of love, and it’s always deep and real. But it also shows that sometimes there aren’t always happy endings. Rory is a perfectionist, but she isn’t perfect. Lorelai is kind, but sometimes she makes selfish mistakes. Each episode in an hour of pure entertainment filled with romance, school problems, job issues, and discussions on social classes.

Gilmore Girls is a favorite show of my mother and me. We started watching it about a year ago, after the seventh and last season had already ended, but the reruns were still enjoyable. The relationship between Rory and Lorelai compares greatly to our own close relationship, making it all the more enjoyable. The witty characters bring us many laughs. The relationship between the grandparents have brought us to many conversations about what is right and wrong. Gilmore Girls has become a part of our daily ritual in my home, because everyday, we fall back into their lives. I highly recommend watching this show. You can easily watch the show through the daily reruns that air on ABC family on weekdays or by renting the season DVDs. It’s well-worth watching.

Producer Amy-Sherman Palladino created a new world when this show began. Despite the show’s ending, the Gilmore Girls live on in Stars Hollow and in all of our hearts.

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