League of Legends on Computer | Teen Ink

League of Legends on Computer

February 27, 2014
By lilsam98 SILVER, Hemet, California
lilsam98 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

League of Legends(LoL) is free-to-play game made by Riot Games. The game was first announced on October 7, 2008 and then fully released over a year later on October 27, 2009. LoL is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, or MOBA for short. The game is usually played as PvP or players fighting other players. According to a 2012 Forbes magazine article, LoL was the most played PC game available in North America and Europe in terms of total play time. A record of January 2014 showed that over 67 million people play League of Legends per month. League of Legends is free to play and is supported by purchases of RP a.k.a Riot Points. Riot Points can be used to either buy a new playable champion entirely, or an aesthetic update known as a "skin" for a champion. A champion is a playable character. In League of Legends, there are four playable maps with their own game modes and objectives. Summoners Rift is the most played map using the five versus five game mode. The map consists of three lanes serperated by a jungle. This is the map seen in professional play. The Twisted Treeline is used on a three versus three game type. This map only has two lanes seperated by a smaller jungle which have a small capturable altar on each side of the map. The Crystal Scar is used for the Dominion game mode. Dominion is a five versus five game type where the main objective is to capture towers that are shared between teams for long enough. Finally, the Howling Abyss only has one lane. This game mode also consists of two teams of five players, but with a catch. Players cannot choose their own champions, nor heal. League of Legends is known in somewhat for having one of the most toxic communities in video games, but it is also the biggest. Not everyone can be perfect, and with so many people, it's almost impossible to get everyone together to act perfectly. All things considered, Riot Games provides a great experience and absolutely no cost unless you choose to.

The author's comments:
This is my favorite game and thought I would explain it to anyone interested.

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