hannahbananasplit | Teen Ink


Rockland County, New York
Member for 13 years


My name is Hannah (sort of) and I'm a confirmed chocoholic!

Books: To Kill a Mockingbird, Anything by Terry Pratchett, Neverwhere, A Wrinkle in Time
Music: Nothing you've heard of
Movies: Mary Poppins (don't laugh!), Casablanca, The Princess Bride, Fiddler on the Roof
TV Shows: Sherlock, and Sherlock, and Sherlock again, and again
Interests: writing (no duh), reading, facewatching, crafts

By hannahbananasplit SILVER
Rockland County, New York
hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)

By hannahbananasplit SILVER
Rockland County, New York
hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)

By hannahbananasplit SILVER
Rockland County, New York
hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)

By hannahbananasplit SILVER
Rockland County, New York
hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)

By hannahbananasplit SILVER
Rockland County, New York
hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)

By hannahbananasplit SILVER
Rockland County, New York
hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)

By hannahbananasplit SILVER
Rockland County, New York
hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)

hannahbananasplit SILVER, Rockland County, New York
8 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל
The whole world is like a narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid at all
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
(sounded a lot better before it was translated... oh well)