The Black Star chapter 4 | Teen Ink

The Black Star chapter 4

November 19, 2010
By MiiSs_AlySsA SILVER, Fall River, Massachusetts
MiiSs_AlySsA SILVER, Fall River, Massachusetts
8 articles 3 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Your Hold On Me Is Pemeant And Unbreakable. Don&#039;t Forget That...&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;Oh yea, Burgers for the boys..&quot; - Haha!! A friend

Chapter 4:

With the rise of the sun, it brought even more heartbreak to the young woman, as they saw with their eyes the horrible damage that was dealth to their home. Sarai and Duvessa started to scrounge around the ruble to hopefully find useful items. Around mid-noon, Sarai yelled out to her sister.

"Let's stop for now... What did you find?" They met in the middle of the wreckage and compared each other's finds'. All-toghether both collected ten gold coins, seven silver coins, two bronze coins, an empty canteen, half a loaf of bread, a singed washcloth, and a picture of their small family, burned at the sides.

"Well, I guess you got your wish. We get to leave on a grand adventure," Sarai said angrily to Duvessa.

"Yeah.. Kind of.. But I didn't want this to happen!" Duvessa tried to desparetly explain but her sister cut her off with a look. She grew quiet and they both looked around. Duvessa's gaze wandered over to the graves of their parents. "Now we only have Mother and Fathers resting places' to come back too."

Sarai looked sadly over then glanced at Duvessa. She sighed sadly. It's not your fualt. Don't beat yourself up for it okay? Sarai thought and Duvessa looked over with tears in those icy eyes once again. These unique sisters have a gift; they can hear each other's thoughts.

But.. I.. I.. Duvessa started in her head. No! I'm not mad at you, kay? Let's.. just get a move on already.. kay? Sarai thought and breathed a sad sigh. They started to walk over their familiar hill towards the wood that they were never allowed to go into. However, it was there only escape from this nightmare. Or so they hoped...


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