Pirates of Australian | Teen Ink

Pirates of Australian

December 9, 2014
By KendylKatie BRONZE, HIghlands Ranch, Colorado
KendylKatie BRONZE, HIghlands Ranch, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cruising across the pacific ocean in are house boat with my dad Steve, my 2 brothers Sebastian and Luca and are dog Stewie. It was a sunny morning when we left, the boat we rented was huge. It came with a personal chef and a big water slide right off the side of the boat into the ocean. We were beyond excited for the boys trip. We needed a break from all of the sympathy because my mother had passed away recently. It was great having people come over and bring us dinner, make us things and do whatever we needed. After a while we got tired of it and decided to go on an adventure.
As we got farther and farther out we were getting more and more excited about being able to slide right off the side of the boat and into the cool ocean water. When we finally where were we couldn’t wait set it up. When the captain gave us the ok me, Sebastian, Luca and my dad all hurried as fast as we could and put are bathing suites on as fast as we possible could. When we were already one by one we flew down the water slide and plopped into the cold water.
After swimming for a couples hours we all worked up a good appetite and were ready to eat. One by one we climbed up the ladder to see a delicious seafood and steak dinner. When we walked up to the table it smelled superb the steak, lobster, crab, shrimp. mashed potatoes and the bake potatoes looked so good. It didn’t take us long to eat, by the time where were finished eating we were so full it hurt to walk.
As the night went on we had so fun from watching a movie on the deck overlooking the ocean to playing ping pong on the roof. The more we did the more we knew that this was going to be a trip that we would never forget. After a long day and night we where ready to go to sleep. Once we all had our pajamas on we climbed into our comfy luxurious beds and we all talked about the fun adventures we couldn’t wait to go on. When we finally turned the lights off and said goodnight, everybody was out like the blink of an eye.
Later that night Luka and I woke up to a loud noise, everything was such a blur. We will never forget that night, the night our family members disappeared. All we really remember was a loud bang noise along with someone screaming help me. At first we thought we were dreaming, but when we woke up they were gone we didn't know what to do. All of us were terrified that something could have happened to poor Sebastian and dad. Me and Luca knew after there mom passed we couldn't lose are dad to, It was horrible to think that we could have no parents. We decided to go search for them. We had scruffy so we thought  maybe he could pick up one of their scents. What we didn’t know at the time is that are dad Steve worked for the T.S.C.C and that people captured them to get knowledge about are government. The T.S.C.C stands for is top secret criminal chaser and our dad was one of them. We kept looking everywhere for them, luca said how could they disappear on this small boat so easily. We made the decision to swim to the nearest island and look for them and the people that possibly kidnapped them.
The water was freezing, we were at least 100 yards out in what seemed to be that deepest part of the ocean, but we were making the trip to search for our family because that was our priority and we weren't going to stop searching until they were back with us and safe.  After a long swim we were finally on the island and couldn’t of been more excited. Right away we started looking around. We spotted something shiny looking sticking out of the sand. We weren’t quite sure what it was until we picked it up and realized what we had just found. We had just picked up a map of the island and just found something that could help us find Sebastian and our dad Steve.
Once we found the map we were making a plan to search for them. As we were making our plan we looked up at the mountain and realized that there was smoke coming from it. Right when we saw the smoke. “We have to go there first, they might be up there,” Luca shouted, “we have to get there fast before its too late!”
Right after we made our plan we used the map to navigate through the jungle and to the top of the mountain. The jungle was so big it seemed like it would take years to get through it.  As Luca and I trecked through the jungle stopping every once in a while to check the map to make sure we were headed in the right direction. When we finally made it through the jungle and where at the base of the mountain we were so excited.
Before we headed up we made a plan but all we could think about is where are family was and if they were ok. As we started heading up the mountain every step we took the more and more nervous we got but at the same time we got more and more excited.
Once we got to the top of the mountain we couldn’t believe our eyes. It was something we had never seen before and certainly weren't expecting to see, when we got there, there were pirates everywhere. Me and Luca hid in the bushes and made sure to keep quiet so they wouldn’t see us while we decided what to do. We soon decide that the pirates were the ones that had captured them. The pirates had tied Sebastian and our dad steve up and were slowly lowering them into a flaming hot fire. All we knew was that me and Luca had to come up with something quick so we could get them back before they got hurt.
We came up with a plan quickly. It was our only hope at getting them back. We were going to make swords, sneak up from behind them and attack them. We decided that once we had Sabastian and our dad back, we were going to go straight to the boat and make no stops along the way.
Once we had made all of our weapons, we were terrified that something could happen to us. The more and more we waited, the more and more our father and brother were in danger. Luca and I decided to man up and fight till our family members were free. We started to walk to where they were and one of the pirates spot us. They immediately they started running towards us screaming “Lets get them”
“Please don't,” screamed Luca “all we are trying to do is get our family back”
“We will give them back but they must tell us everything we want to know about the Australian government!” exclaimed another one of the pirates

“What could you possible want to know about the government from they.” shouted Flynn
“How would they know anything secret about the government, it’s not like they work for the T.S.C.C!” shouted
“Your dad is part of the T.S.C.C he just never told you.” announced one of the other pirates
“Dad is this true?” Luca and Flynn asked
After we were done talking to each other we made the decision that we would fight and who ever one would get Sebastian and Steve. Luca had a  puzzled look on his face and was wondering why they are in this situation and why we had to fight to get our family back. We knew that we would have to win and if we didn’t our family would be gone forever. We fought for hours slowly one by one getting rid of the pirates. The more we killed the more excited we got about getting our family back and knowing they were safe. The longer we fought the worse the look on Lucas face got. You could tell that he was nervous that we would lose and never get to see that part of our family again.
A couple hours into us fighting against the pirates, we agreed to take a break and figure out our next moves. When we were sitting over on a rock we couldn’t help but to keep looking over at them and see the worried look on there faces. We came up with a plan fast, one of us was going to distract the pirates well the other one got Sebastian and Steve and took them back to the boat.
Right when we started to fight again me and Luca counted to 10 and then tried to do our plan. Luca distracted the pirates well I ran and got are family away from the flaming hot fire. Once I got them down it didn’t take them long to notice and to start running after us. We immediately started running down the mountain hoping that we could run fast enough to lose them. We ran as fast as lighting down that mountain and then into the jungle to hid.
Right when we got to the bottom of the mountain we went in opposite directions. We had a great plan. Two of us would run one way and two of us would run the other way and then eventually meet in the middle. We were hoping that we would lose them so we would have more time to get back to the boat and get out of there.
As we were running we eventually realized that they weren’t being followed anymore. We soon decided that we need to take a break and get some energy back incase we had to fight them again and mostly so we could swim back to the boat. We sat and talked awhile and caught each other up on what they had experienced the past day and a half. After a while we decided to started and head back to the boat in hope that we would make it there before dark.
When we finally got to the end of the jungle we couldn’t believe our eyes, there were pirates waiting for us. I had never seen something like this before. We had just found out that our dad Steve works for the government but we didn’t understand what he could possible know that they needed to know so badly. Me and Sebastian tried to reason with them and work out a deal. We slowly walked up to them “Can we make an agreement, we go back to our boat and you can come with us. When we get back to Australia you can come with our dad to work and talk to all the people who work for the government themselves?” Sebastian asked.
Immediately it seemed without a thought they said “We would like to do that, but if we don’t get what we want we will keep you held hostage.” We quickly decided that we were willing to take the risk and just hope for the best.
Later we all headed out to the boat and tried to make the best of the situation. Me Luca and Sebastian decided that we would try to make friends with them on our journey back. All that we could think of was to try and do different activities that we enjoy with them. By the time we got back we had made them our friends and had a great time with them. It wasn’t the trip we were expecting but it sure turned out to be a trip of a lifetime that we will never forget. All we wished now is that our mom was still alive and that we could go home and tell her about all the adventures we had been on.

The author's comments:

We like Pirates 

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