Doubting Relationship | Teen Ink

Doubting Relationship

September 13, 2022
By Anonymous

It all begins during a school day during lunchtime. It started when Mia got news from her dad that they were going to Paris. Where her dad had to go for a job, and he took her with him. She told her dad that she didn't want to go, she didn't want to leave her friends and her boyfriend. She knew she had to tell Miguel about her leaving for Paris. She wasn't happy because she knew she was going to miss them. Then she decided to write Miguel a letter that was saying how she felt about not wanting to leave him. She asked her friends to give Miguel the letter. When he got the letter, he started to read it and then asked Mia's friend why she didn’t say goodbye in person.

Her friends told him that it was too hard for her to say goodbye. She left heartbroken; she was mad at her dad for taking her away. Then Miguel began to read the letter Mia left him. He started to read it and got miserable about it then as a girl walked up to him. Then She started to talk to him and tell him how hard it is for others in this world. He was so disorder about who she was and what she was talking about. Then she tells him her name and he start telling her that he's sorry for everything she has gone through. Then one of Mia’s friends saw them talking together and went to go call Mia and tell her. Mia tries to get in contact with Miguel to talk about the girl he is talking to. Mia sends her friends to look for him and one of her friends finds him talking to Sabrina. Her friend tells her that he was busy, and she would just tell him to call her later.

But he was busy dealing with the fact that she had left him a lot of messages. Also, Mia’s friends were going outlandish and losing their minds by looking for Miguel. Miguel called Mia and she had a horrible face. She wasn't happy with him. She asked him who the girl was that he was talking to, and he told her that she was just a friend. She didn't believe him, so he kept repeating it to her. But she was mad at him for talking to another girl and he didn’t tell her. One of Mia’s friends had to tell her that Miguel was talking

to a girl he didn't think it was that important. He told her that he can have friends that are girls that there is nothing wrong with it. Then Mia tells him that she was talking to a guy named Robert then Miguel said who he is. He was getting mad about what Mia said about Robert and then she hung up on him. Then She kept emailing him if he was still hanging out with Sabrina. Then Mia comes back from Paris sees Miguel hugging Sabrina. She tells him tell me that’s your sister that’s been lost all these years, or I won’t understand. He turns around and tells her Hey your back I missed you and he hugged her. He asked her how her trip was, and he thought he was going to pick her up, but she said her plane came early.

 So, then Miguel and Mia decided to go somewhere and talk, then Sabrina left them. They started talking about how he met her and who she was. Miguel told Mia that she was just a friend, nothing more. Then she kept talking to him, then Miguel brought up Robert, she started to laugh, and he told her that It's not funny. She told him he was just a guy she invented to get even. She lied to him about talking to a guy to make him jealous and he was telling her are you messing with me?'' She told him that Robert was just a waiter who was bringing in room service. So, when they were talking through the phone, she saw Robert walked in and then told Miguel that she has a guy friend. She wanted Miguel to feel the same way she felt when she found out about him talking to Sabrina. So, they talked about everything and ended up resolving what was going on in them relationship. And then Sabrina invited Mia and Miguel to go to dinner and Mia didn’t want to go. But Miguel told her that they should go for a while to just get out and have fun. And then Mia made a face about how she didn’t want to go. But the only reason she went was for Miguel, she told him that she wouldn’t have come. Mia and Miguel were ok after everything that and what happened when she left and came back; they were happy and in a good relationship.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story about a relationship where  they are apart and things happen to there relationship

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