black nikes | Teen Ink

black nikes

September 28, 2023
By 4morrisonj SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4morrisonj SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt I was in the middle of the atlantic ocean, starting at the heart of Tokyo Japan.

I turned around and a 1,890ft Teal  octopus reached for me and grabbed me, dragging me down with him, causing me to swallow water, knocking me out. I woke up in the middle of a busy street in Tokyo, and princess diana was talking to me about the grape jelly she had on her toast earlier that morning. Dazed and confused in a split second, the sunny and warm weather turned into a stormy and thunderous sky. I turn around and the mythical beast, Kraken, was staring dead into my eyes, I screamed “Darn” and started to run as fast as I could, the street of tokyo turned into a hot and dry desert, I stopped and my mouth started to shrivel up, I screamed for water, agua, anything. Nobody heard me. Out of nowhere, my grandma appeared and we were in her kitchen, yelling at me to help her cook, Anne Hathaway, and J.K. Rowling was sitting in the chairs next to me, I said “hola” and she told me I'm “lackin” while helping my grandma. Im so lost and confused, but the voice in my head kept reminding me “well be alright”. Starting at my black platform converse, Nick, stands in front of me. Talking about dictions, confused I asked him what he meant, he hit me in the head with a dictionary. I woke up.  

The author's comments:

It kind of reminds me of like a fever dream

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