Paul's odd afternoon | Teen Ink

Paul's odd afternoon

April 30, 2024
By Anonymous

It was a quiet Saturday afternoon. The sun was out and it was shining very brightly. The sky looked pretty nice and blue as well. A young boy with brown hair was walking home. His name is Paul and he was feeling pretty content. 

As he was walking, Paul suddenly stopped. The boy looked up at the sky. A big white airplane flew by. He smiled as he saw this majestic metal machine. “I wonder if that's dad,” he said to himself.

Paul then pulled out a blue half empty bottle of water. The boy began to drink from the blue piece of plastic. As he did this, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. Paul turned around and he saw a tall woman standing behind him. The woman had short black hair, tan skin, and bright orange eyes. 

The woman looked at Paul with a somewhat curious look on her face. She said something very softly and then she laughed. Paul could barely understand what she said. A tall man with black hair approached the two. “Oh there you are, Cherry!” 

The woman whispered something into the man’s ear. The man looked at Cherry in shock. He whispered something into Cherry's ear. They both looked at each other and then at Paul. They looked at the boy as if he had committed a crime. 

Paul looked at them in confusion. “Uhh I have to go home now.” He began to slowly walk away from the strange couple. As soon as they were out of his sight, Paul started to run home. 

An hour would go by. Paul was now at home. The boy was sitting on the living room floor. He was playing with some toy cars. He had completely forgotten about what had happened earlier that day.

Suddenly Paul’s mom walked into the room. She looked very upset. “Hey Paul, did you go to Mr. Miller's house today,” Paul’s mom asked. “Who’s Mr. Miller?” “The kind man that moved here last week.” 

Paul thought to himself for a bit. He was trying to remember who that is. “No, I don’t think I did,” he responded. “Well Mr. Miller said that you offended his wife or something like that.” Paul looked at his mom with a confused look on his face.

“I didn’t do that, mom.” “Listen, I don't care about what you did. I just want you to apologize to them, okay?” Paul shook his head. “Okay I guess.”

A few minutes later, Paul and his mom were standing outside of Mr. Miller’s house. Paul was looking around the yard. He was in awe of just how nice it looked. His mom on the other hand just wanted to get this over with. 

“Paul, when we get inside you're going to apologize to Mr and Mrs Miller.” Okay but I didn't do anything.” “Don’t you back talk to me, young man!” “Oh okay, mom,” Paul said nervously. He then rang the doorbell. 

The two of them stood there for a little bit. After a few seconds the door would open. Mr. Miller was standing there. He had a big grin on his face and held a small plant pot. “Good afternoon neighbor”, he said. 

“Hello Mr Miller. My son here would like to talk to you and your wife.” “Oh that's nice. Come inside then.” Paul and his mom walked into the man’s house. 

The three of them walked into the living room. Cherry was sitting on the couch. She was drinking a glass of water and reading some kind of book. She stared at Paul and his mom for a bit. Mr. Miller sat down right next to her. 

“Anyways Paul here has something to say to the both of you.” Paul's mom glared at her son for a bit. “Mr and Mrs. Miller, I'm sorry I offended you both earlier today. I didn’t think I offended you in any way but my mom says I did.” 

Cherry looked at them in confusion. “Offended? Darling, what are these Americans talking about?” “I have no idea,” Mr. Miller said. “My mom told me I offended Mrs. Miller.” 

The couple burst out laughing. Paul and his mom looked at them in confusion. “You did not offend me. In fact you didn’t even do anything to me”, Cherry said. “Wait a minute you can speak english”, Paul’s mom asked. 

“Of course I speak it,” she responded. “For a woman of color, your English is pretty good,” Paul’s mom said. The room went silent. The couple both looked at Paul’s mom. They gave her the kind of look that was colder than the water that Mrs. Miller was drinking. 

Paul looked at the three adults. He could already tell that something was about to happen. Paul then simply walked out of the room. He didn’t care if they noticed him or not. He just didn't want to witness whatever would happen. 

Paul walked into the hallway. He sat down on the hardwood floor. “Why is this happening? Why is mom like this,” he asked. The boy closed his eyes. 

“Hi how are ya”, said a voice. Paul got up and he looked around. He couldn’t find anyone else in the room. He then looked down and saw a little girl right in front of him. She had long straight black hair, tanned skin, and ocean blue eyes. 

“Hi, I'm Jenny. Do you also like to read?” Paul just looked at the little girl with a confused look on his face. “Wanna be friends,” Jenny asked. “I don't know,” Paul responded. “Oh well I tried,” she said sadly. 

Jenny started pacing around the hallway. “All I want is some friends.” “Okay-,” Paul started. “Oh and I want a sandwich”, she said. “Okay Jenny, let's be friends”, Paul screamed. 

Jenny stopped pacing around. The sad frown she had turned into a big smile. “Okay, what do you want to do first,” Jenny asked excitedly. Before Paul could say anything Jenny pulled out a light blue lunchbox. “Wanna see something cool?”

Paul’s mom walked into the hallway. Her hair looked messy and her left shoe appeared to be missing. “Okay we're leaving, Paul. Tell your friend here we're not ever coming back here again.” “Let me guess, are we banned here too,” Paul asked jokingly. 

“No, these people are crazy. I mean just look at what they did to me,” said Paul’s mom. Paul  then turned to Jenny. “Okay I have to go now. I’ll see you whenever my mom says I can.”

Jenny looked at Paul and his mom with a sad look on her face. “Don't worry I'll be back tomorrow,” he whispered. “Okay,” Jenny said excitedly. Paul's mom looked at the two kids in annoyance. “Okay that's cute and all but we have to go now, Paul.”  

Paul and his mom left the strange house. As they were walking, the sun was just beginning to set. The boy and his mom both walked home in silence. Obviously something had happened but Paul was too tired to ask about it. After all, Paul did have a pretty odd afternoon. 

The author's comments:

one shot I guess

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