Lonely | Teen Ink


December 20, 2012
By Deep-Blue-Sea SILVER, Choctaw, Oklahoma
Deep-Blue-Sea SILVER, Choctaw, Oklahoma
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Ask me no queations and I'll tell you no lies."

It hurt to be Laughed at. But there was nothing i could do to make them stop. Who knew why they did it. They just did. Maybe it was because of my glasses or my braces or my pasty white skin. Or maybe because of the way I drifted of into space with my thoughts. Space Cadet Liz. That had been my name ever since I was moved to this place. If it had been my choice I would have stayed in the place where I was born. Or where we think I was born.I was different than all the other kids most of them had known there parents. I was abandoned and brought straight to the Hope House. The only person I had left was my Prince. The one person who was always there. He never left me not even for a moment maybe that's why I like him so much because even with the other kids laughing at me he was in my corner cheering me on. So no matter what happens to me I will persevere on so that one day we will meet somewhere other than in this lonely place in my lonely mind.

The author's comments:
Every one has a special person but some people never find them.

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