Teen written fiction in a variety of genres | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Fiction

By 2naylor BRONZE
Hartland, Wisconsin

My name is John. When I think of John, it reminds me of a darker blue green.  Sophisticated colors. Also, a quiet sound. Maybe a soft hum. And a soft texture.  I can pic...
2naylor BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By Brynn9 BRONZE
Xiantao, Other
Brynn9 BRONZE, Xiantao, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
theastridsaenz BRONZE, Panama, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was here, too."

By Anonymous
By Kageyama22 BRONZE
Melbourne, Other
Kageyama22 BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments
DJAlyss GOLD, El,paso, Texas
12 articles 1 photo 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Practice doesn't make perfect,<br /> Practice makes Permanent

FirstSteps5000 SILVER, Bethesda, Maryland
5 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you reach for the stars, you'll just get the stars. Reach for the heavens and you get the stars thrown in." - unknown<br /> "These aren't just stories,"... …"They're whole kingdoms. They're worlds. They're perspectives and opinions you can't offer, from lives you haven't lived." - The Isle of the Lost<br /> "When someone does something hurtful, they have to admit it... [t]hen they have to be punished for it. And maybe then, if they apologize and change, maybe -maybe- *then* they get forgiven." - The One and Only Bob

NoOneReallySpexial BRONZE, Centerreach, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By bridgetomelty BRONZE
Werribee, Other
bridgetomelty BRONZE, Werribee, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments