Drama Rehearsal | Teen Ink

Drama Rehearsal

January 3, 2014
By JessicaZoe BRONZE, Georgetown, Penang, Other
JessicaZoe BRONZE, Georgetown, Penang, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Is that really you? Where have you been all these years?” My best friend cried out dramatically to my crush and I could only shook my head, trying my best not to burst out laughing.

“Cut!” Mrs. Perry, our drama instructor who had a stern looked plastered on her face, screamed hysterically.

The actors and actresses on stage immediately spunned around to face her and I could see Elle, my best friend pulled a face and rolled her eyes.

“Miss Hale, you're disqualified!” Mrs. Perry yelled at Elle.

“Hooray!” Elle said sounding surprising pleased and jumped down from the stage despite the height and landed on the ground without breaking a sweat.

Unfortunately, I saw her smirked and winked at me. It meant here comes trouble. Elle being mischievous like always, suggested with fake concerned to Mrs. Perry, “Kimberly is a very good actress, Mrs. Perry. Why don't you try her?”

Just when I wanted to bury myself behind the rows of theatre seats, Mrs. Perry sharp eagle's eyes spotted me. Her eyes so blazingly appalling, stare right into me that I felt two burning holes forming somewhere on my face. I literally whimpered and wanted to make a bee line for the exit when the all so high and mighty Mrs. Perry actually smiled at me. That only made me ever so more anxious.

“Why, of course!” Mrs. Perry snapped her fingers. She sounded eerily contented. I had no choice but to obey her command. I walked towards the stage with my head hung low as all eyes in the auditorium were turned and focused on me. “Miss Biel, up on the stage you go. Quick, we have no time to lose. Mister Chamberlain, please hand Miss Biel your script.”

Justin Chamberlain, my crush ever since I first saw him transferred to Madison High last three months, passed me his copy of the script and gave me an encouraging smile. But what was the point of it when I cannot even look straight into his beautiful terre verte eyes. I felt desperate to run out of this s*** hole and not to mention, dragged Elle out with me then punched her till she apologizes and swore to never do it again.

“Mrs. Perry, let's all have a break so Kim and I could rehearse for a while.” Justin spoke up. Mrs. Perry grumbled for a second and reluctantly agreed. She shooed everyone out of the auditorium except for the two of us.

I heaved a long sigh, feeling slightly relieved. I looked up to face Justin. I blushed when I saw he was giving me one of those gorgeous smile that you cannot describe in words. He was, in fact, too beautiful for words.

“Take a deep breath, Kim.” I loved the way he called me Kim, just Kim. “Chill, I'm not a monster, no need to be fretful.”

“But Mrs. Perry is. She alarms me all the time.” I whispered loudly to be on the safe side. You would never know that she might be lingering around, spying on us. I had this insane thought that Mrs. Perry might have a teeny weeny crush on Justin. Scratch that. I bet the crush is huge.

Justin laughed good-naturedly, “Well, let's get to work before the alarming drama monster makes her grand entrance.”

“Noted,” I grinned.

Justin was great. Not only did he lead and directed me how to act my part but he was a terrific actor. He was so immersed into the story, so real, so original. He sure was a talented guy.

It was not as bad as I had thought when I rehearsed in front of the others, I did at least have a pass. Mrs. Perry decided to keep me on the go before I could protest.

After we wrapped out at the end of the rehearsal, Elle could not stop thanking herself and blabbering on how awesome she was. I could not help but rolled my eyes.

“Y'know what? You both looked cute as a couple.” Elle concluded her non-stop rattling and slung her knapsack over her shoulder.

I shrugged and smiled. Heck, I was on cloud nine that whole day.

The author's comments:
The marriage of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel inspired me this story.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 4 2014 at 8:03 pm
Very good. I liked reading it