Squirrel! | Teen Ink


December 17, 2014
By henderry2019 BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
henderry2019 BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sniff the air. I know it is around here somewhere. I just don’t know where. I perk up my ears, maybe I can hear it. Nothing. I check the window again. Nope. Wait a minute… what is that moving? THERE! I see it, the squirrel, and I go nuts. I bark and bark and bark. The authorities come over to me and hit me on my side. I can barely feel it but still have to wonder why would they hit me. Do they not see the squirrel? They must be blind. I am sure that if they were able to see it, they would begin to speak as well.

I still have my eyes glued to the window, staring at it. It scampers up the tree, into the leaves. I knew it! The only reason it would have gone up there is because it is scared of me. Chicken. I have won this round, squirrel, but not fully.
The squirrel is no longer there, so I must communicate to the authorities that I wish to play. I zoom over to the toy basket, and select my favorite noisy toy. I run it over to the youngest authority, and drop it in his lap. He picks it up and throws it, near the window. I run over to get it, glance out the window, and see it again. I drop the toy that I have just picked up, and begin to bark. The youngest comes over to see what he usually cannot. He must see something, because he is pointing at the squirrel, but is not nearly excited as he should be.
Then I hear the noise that I have found to love. A clonk, clonk, clonk on the door near the front. Once again, I rush over to greet whoever is there. It is the youngest’s friend, the skinny one. I jump up and down for joy, as he often plays with me. I then see it, unsuspectingly crossing the car path. I push my way through past the friend, yowling all of the way, darting to catch it. It has spotted me, and it is fast, but not fast enough. I catch up to it, clamp my jaws around its neck, and shake my head. Triumph at last! I proudly walk back to the home, but at the entrance the authorities tell me something in a threatening tone, so I assume they would not like squirrel for dinner. I leave a gift of free squirrel at the doorstep, and walk inside. As is my usual, I check the window. Impossible! There cannot be another! Oh well, more fun for me! The process must start again.

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