"The Unexpected Gift" | Teen Ink

"The Unexpected Gift"

October 30, 2015
By kennapaige BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
kennapaige BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dont lose yourself trying to help someone find themselves."

It was mid-afternoon , and the sky was bright blue , with the sun shining so brightly. My family and I walked into a magical place by the name of , “Disney World.” The moment we arrived our eyes grew wide, and we were all filled with excitement. It smelled like a bakery , and delightful treats as we were walking down Main Street. We were amazed , and a sudden rush of excitement jotted through our bodies , as the humongous castle filled with shades of blue , stood right in front of me , putting excitement in our eyes and filling my mind with imagination.
It was day one of our vacation , and it was the 22nd of December , we had just arrived to Magic Kingdom. On our first day there we met characters from almost every Disney movie you could think of. It had been a long day of family and excitement.
          It’s the 23rd of December and we are just waking up to experience Hollywood Studios. Our hotel was kept nice and cooled , but when we stepped outside it was so warm we could see the mirage of heat setting in the air.
“Ahhhhh!’ shrieked my mom wiping her glasses. “My glasses have fogged up from all of this heat!”
My sister and I laughed at her. Hollywood Studios was a fun filled day. We saw the “Osbourne Family of Lights which blew up our night. It was filled with Christmas lights and fake snow.
“Mom?” questioned Mia.
          “Yes baby?” my mom replied.
          “Does coming here mean we don’t get any presents?”
           “Mia we brought you here so you could have an experience with your family that not very many people have.” Mom explained.
“Be grateful we’re here Mia and be grateful we have a family to spend it with. Not many people get this privilege.” I explained.
Getting to experience Christmas in Disney World is nothing like christmas back home.  Disney was a busy place with a lot of different faces , and sometimes you have to watch for some unexpected things to happen at a place like this.
“How about we get some hot chocolate to go along with this Christmas spirit!” My dad chimed.
“Sounds good too me.” Mia cheered.
            We headed on the bus back to the resort after finishing our hot cocoa. Our day was filled with lots of events that I would never get to experience back home.
Christmas day has passed and we spent our day calling our family and wishing them a Merry Christmas!
“Daddy , mommy!” My sister rejoiced jumping up and down.
Can we please go to Animal KIngdom and ride Mt. Everest?” begged Mia.
“Sounds like a plan to me sister!” I replied.
As we arrived we saw the gigantic Tree Of Life that was beautifully made of a number of animals , that were to be found in all of the continents starting from Asia to Antarctica , all molded together to make it look like one tree.  We made our way through all of the continents , trying different foods of all cultures , and trying different traditions of each culture. We made it too the continent with the big ride every risk taker would want to ride.
“You ready for the biggy Mia”? I smirked.
“Sure am , I’m not scared of nothing.” Commanded Mia.
“If you insist, you’ll chicken out before we even make it to the waiting line.” I joked.
“Yeah , Yeah we’ll just see for ourselves Miss I’m-bigger-so-I-get-to-pick-on-Mia.”My sister hissed.
“Are you kidding me?” my mom shouted , “It happened again!”
She wiped her glasses to take the fog away , meanwhile my sister and I are laughing our heads off.
It was a beautiful day at Animal Kingdom and there was lots of time to spare. As we make our way to the famous Mt. Everest roller coaster my stomach dropped when i saw the mountain peak , at its highest point.
“Still not scared?” I taunted.
“That’s right , I’m getting on this ride without any hesitation.” My sister answered in a smart tone.
“We’ll just have to see.”  Knowing deep down that she was going to get scared , and chicken out right before we step in line.
The waiting time for the ride was an hour and thirty minutes. Since there was nothing to do we decided to wait. As we were waiting we met a famous person! It was the guys from the group “Florida Georgia Line.” We got excited as our vacation just keeps getting better.
There was a little time left to go for the waiting line and we were all enjoying ourselves.
“Guys we’re half way- Ouch!!!” My sister bawled.
My sister had just slipped and fell , and she was crying I could see the pain in her eyes. 
“I can’t bend my elbow!” My sister cried out of pain. 
The whole crowd was surrounding my family and I , and I thought I’d just died of embarrassment , as my face was bright red .
“Someone call for help!”  My mom yelled , holding my sister in her arms trying to calm her down.
Just then the Disney Emergency Personnel showed up.
“It appears we are going to have to take her to the closest emergency room nearby , her elbow is most definitely broken .” The man said in a deep firm voice .
My mom was in tears also as she knew our vacation was ruined. For hours we waited in the emergency room praying for my little sister , and hoping her elbow wasn’t broken. When the doctor came with results my sister had a broken elbow.
“Mommy are you okay?” Mia questioned.
“I just wished we didn’t have to experience this right here , and at this moment.” My mom sighed , realizing our vacation was over.
We were all gloomy for the rest of the day as we headed back to the resort to pack our things. As we were heading back my sister looked at her cast and immediately started crying , and I knew she was hurt . I wouldn’t ever imagine leaving vacation early because of a broken elbow.
We arrived back at the resort and when we walked into our room there was a manilla folder on the bed , and we all looked at each other with curious faces.
“Wonder what this could be.” My dad inquired.
“Open it up , maybe it’s something for Mia.” I added.
  As I opened it up it was a card with all of the characters my sister loved to watch on Tv and in movies , it also had her name on it.
“Mia it says your name on it.”I stated , handing the card to her.
When Mia opened it, it was a get well card and a big picture of her and Winnie the Pooh , her favorite Disney character ever since she was little.
“This is awesome , but how did they know?” Rejoiced Mia.
I then turned to my mom who still seemed a little upset .
“Mom something unexpected may pop up at times in life , but the best thing about our family is , we stick together through anything and everything , and not everyone gets to experience that feeling.” I explained to my mom.
“I know honey I just wanted you guys to have the best experience of your lifetime , not this.” My mom whined.
“Smile mom this trip has been amazing.” I beamed.
“Uhhh Jen? One more thing.” My dad added.
“Your glasses are fogged up!” My dad joked as we all were laughing out loud.

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