Everything changed | Teen Ink

Everything changed

May 21, 2018
By Nersy BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Nersy BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Everything changed from bad to worse. I don’t comprehend where these kids have learned all the bad things they know.”- Mr. Josh

“My dear, money and discrimination, changed everyone” -Mrs. Klare

“I don’t understand these people no more. Why can’t we all be together, happy, and respect our decisions.” -Mr. Josh

“Adults have changed a lot. But the greatest change weren’t adults, kids have changed more. They think they own the world. Always saying “We’re a new generation, we think differently, and want different things, not what 90s year-old people want, think or do” - Mrs. Klare

“Time pass by fast. Precious memories come to my mind when I see kids playing around. We all need to live our lives to the fullest and enjoy things because at the end that’s all we conserve.” -Mr. Josh

“Seeing teens playing around brings me peaceful and terrible memories, and thoughts about how people change over time.“- Mr. Klare

“When I was a kid I had to do whatever my parents told me, I had to respect adults and minors too because everyone should be respected. Nowadays kids don’t even respect their parents.”- Mr. Josh

“Look at those kids in the street, dressed as clowns. Do they really think they look good?- Mrs. Klare
“Hahaha! They really look like clowns. - Mr. Josh

“Wait, wait!, is that our grandchild over there. -Mr. Josh

“Yes!, , I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing. Look how much he has changed, look how he is dressed, that’s unacceptable!. -Mrs. Klare

“I’m going to call him to come over here.” - Mr. Josh

“Leth, Leth, come over here real quick.” -Mr. Josh

“Coming!, bye guys see you guys later. - Leth

“Who are those kids.” -Mrs. Klare

“They’re my friends why?.” -Leth

“I’m not judging you neither them. But just look how you guys are dressed. Why do you hangout with them in the first place, look at you dressed as a street boy?” - Mrs. Klare

“ Why don’t you leave me alone, let me live my life.” Leth

“It’s our obligation to protect you. -Mr. Josh

“Are you even listening yourself right now. Look how you’re talking to your grandparents. Can you just have a little of respect. We’re just trying to help you. Why can’t you just listen to us for a moment”-Mrs. Klare

“Why can’t you understand that we’re just trying to help you.- Mr. Josh

“NO! Why can’t you understand that I’m different. I know you would have liked me to be like you, a respected person, with a job and all those “pretty” things you always talk about. I’ve tried but I can’t, Im not capable of doing the things you do!” - Leth

“......” Leth Crying

“Sweetheart! Come here, let me hug you!. We love you so much. We will always support you. It’s difficult for us to accept the changes, things have changed so much, and seen you dressed like than is hard for us. We will try to understand you, we’re all different and unique there is nothing wrong on being different.. You choose your life and we will always support you as far as your content with yourself.”- Mrs. Klare

“We will always be here for you.”- Mr. Josh

“Thank you!, I’m so sorry for what I say before. I wasn’t thinking how I was responding you. I’m so thankful to have you in my life, and thank you for supporting me. I know when you were kids you didn’t saw anybody like me, that’s why you are trying to make me change, you think I will be happier being like you. I look happy but I’m burning inside. This is a torture for me, I feel rejected because not everyone supports me. I face a lot of discrimination single everyday.  My old friends don’t want to hang out with me anymore, just because I changed . Your words mean a lot to me.” -Leth

“Sweetie!, we love you so much. Remember be a respectful kid. Ignore the people who tries to hurt you, just because you’re different.” -Mrs. Klare

“Just live your life, that’s all I can say. Your grandma took the words out of my mouth, she read my mind again. hahaha!, I will never run out of words, to support you. Enjoy every second of your life because on a blink of eyes you will be like us, waiting for our day.”- Mr. Josh

“Haha. Reading your mind! Lets just not start again. No don’t try!. It will take us all day, just no. Bye sweetheart, your grandpa is about to start a big conversation. Love you, take care” - Mrs. Klare

“Hahahahaaa. Bye, leaving, hope you solve your problems. This will never change. -Leth

“Bye, tell your mom we say hi!.-Mrs. Klare

“We??? I didn’t say nothing”- Mr. Josh

“Leth just tell her that . This man will never change” Mrs. Klare

“Ok, granny!”-Leth

“Mr. Josh and Mrs. Klare, fighting……..”

“ Leth laughing, as he is walking away hearing his grandparents fight.”

“What will I do without them. They’re necessary in my life..”-Leth

The author's comments:

This story is about how the eldery view the youth of our society. It's not that they dislike those who are different they're just confused because they're not used of seen people do what they do nowadays. They still love them no matter what.

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