Intercepted By Love | Teen Ink

Intercepted By Love

April 14, 2014
By lwetzel BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
lwetzel BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The words came up on my screen as the clicking and clacking of keys echoed throughout the tiny room. I looked up to read what I had just written. Nothing seemed right; it didn’t fit together. I let out a sigh as I held down the back space, watching everything that I just wrote disappear off the page.

My name is Tess Howard. I’m a junior at the University of Minnesota. It has always been my dream to attend the U of M and then be a sports reporter for ESPN. Right now I’m currently working as a reporter for one of the school’s newspapers. One step closer to my dream!

I looked at the now blank page, in front of me. Maybe I should mention, I haven’t written a good story, since I landed this job. That definitely doesn’t make my boss happy. Today was the deadline for the current story I am working on. I have now officially missed my deadline again.
“Tess!” I heard Marshall, my boss, say from down the hall. I slowly rise out of my seat and while all eyes are glued on me. As I walk past all the cubicles there are snickers and whispers coming from all directions. I’m in the “dog house” for sure now.
“Sit down.” He gestured to the brown leather chairs in front of me with a cold look on his face.
“Tess, you’ve missed your deadline again! Why can everyone get their work done except you, tell me why?” He straightens up in his seat, and I take a huge gulp. He’s not going to like my reasoning for this.
“Umm well…there is nothing really news worthy in any of the stories that I get.” I said sheepishly.
“Look, Tess you are an excellent writer. That’s why I’m giving you one more chance. And this time I mean it or else you’re done working here.” He stated looking me dead in the eye. I have been in this spot many times before but Marshall had never been this serious.
“You know the Gopher Football team?” He questioned. I smiled, who didn’t, they were putting our school in the spotlight. So far this fall I have attended every game. I nodded my head in response to Marshall.
He smiled. “Well Zachary Collins has never had a large in depth story written about him before. Yeah, he has had a few little stories here and there but never anything big.” He paused for a little bit. Wait. Was he saying what I think he was saying? I have to write and interview the star quarterback.
“Come on, let’s go.” Marshall said getting up to grab his jacket. “We are heading to the practice field. We have to meet with the coach.” He explained as I looked at him wide eyed. Well I guess this is what I’ve been waiting for.
Once we got to the practice field, I got out of the car and stood there cemented to the ground just looking at the field house with a blank look on my face. The field house was just put up a year ago but I had never seen it before though I had been to the stadium many times.
We walked side by side in silence into the field house. As we entered there was a man with short salt and pepper colored hair on his phone that looked like he was waiting for someone. When we got a little closer he turned with a smile on his face.
“Marshall you made it. Thanks for coming.” He stated while shaking hands with Marshall. He motioned at me. “You must be Tess. I have heard some very good things about you. I’m John Cooper, Minnesota Gophers head football coach. Pleasure to meet you.” It clicked I recognized him now.
“Well yes that would be me.” I said while a smile spread across my face.
“Why don’t you go in and take a seat, while I talk with your boss. I believe Zachary is still in there practicing.” He said pointing me in the direction in which to go. They walked off while I tried to find my way.
After taking a couple wrong turns I finally found my way to where I was supposed to be. I walked through the big maroon metal doors. There was a set of bleachers to my right so I took a seat. On the far end the field house there were two guys in black athletic shorts and gopher shirts. One was throwing the football while the other went sprinting after the ball. Wow they were good.
I must have zoned out because I didn’t even hear them yelling at me. They had made their way over to me by now. It was thee one and only Zachary Collins. His dreamy green eyes looked at me with confusion written all over his face. Boy did he have looks that could kill with his tan skin and short brown hair.
“Hey aren’t you Tess Howard?” The other guy said studying me. I realized it was Adam Erickson he was in one of my classes I had freshman year. He always seat right next to me.
“Yep that’s me, Adam Erickson right?” I asked.
He nodded his head. “What are you doing here? He questioned with the same confused look as Zackary. He had crystal clear blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that stuck up straight.

“I’m here to interview—” was all I got out before being interrupted by Coach Cooper and Marshall walking in.
Coach looked between the three of us. “Well it looks like you guys already met.”
“Coach what is going on here?” Zachary asks, still confused as to what was going on.
“Tess here is going to be interviewing you for a big article. We all know neither will give or get a good interview done in one day. So we set up a thing where you, Tess will now be with us the rest of the season getting information about Zach.” I stood there in disbelief. “And Zachary, you will give her the information or you will give up your starting position.
“What! No way am I spending the rest of the season with Barbie over here.” Zachary stated. I crossed my arms and glared at him. I might have beach blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. But I’m defiantly not a Barbie. How could he even say that he doesn’t even know me.
Adam chimed in “Whoa man, I think this is a great idea. It could really get your name out there.”
That got Zachary’s gears going. “Fine” he agreed.

------- Year & a half later----

“Tonight is the night.” I said looking up to Zachary with my arms around his torso. I pecked him on the cheek and wished him luck.

The crowd is roaring at the BCS National Championships. The Gophers had made it all the way this year with help from the senior quarterback, Zachary Collins.

After a few rough interviews, Zachary started opening up to me and I was able to get information for the interview. Since we seemed to always be together, we started dating.

Once the story was released last November, the NFL really to notice of Zachary and he is in the draft coming. And to sum it up the rest is history.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 22 2014 at 1:02 pm
car_dorr BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind. -Dr.Suess

OMG!!!!!!!!! Gurl you is fine at writing! <3

on Apr. 22 2014 at 1:00 pm
lleppert BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
WWWW GURL! YOU DID FINEE! Truely inspirational, i might marry my football player bf now<3<3<3