The girl that lived in a magical life | Teen Ink

The girl that lived in a magical life

October 21, 2015
By JadeOsorio BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
JadeOsorio BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in castle far away there lived a beautiful girl named Jade. She has a pet dragon named spoterela. One day she get’s a letter in the mail with a weird signature on it that says” Dear princess i am giving you this letter to ask you If you wanted to go to the ball of the Middle West Palace with me and my family,and if not I will understand. Ps. my name is Austin if you were wondering.”
“ I’m not a princess,but maybe I will figure out who Austin is and maybe this ball thing will be good for me after all, I mean mom won’t let me out of the house unless it’s for a special thing that’s going on. 
So Jade and Spoterela were very curious of what this Austin guy looked like and what the Middle East Palace did to. When they were looking around the Palace Jade wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and bumped into someone.
She said “ I am so sorry, are you ok!”
He said” yeah i’m fine but are you.I mean you fell pretty hard.”
“ Yeah i’m fine i was just making sure you were because i wasn’t paying attention.”
“Hi what’s your name?” says Jade
“My names Austin yours?” Jade was so nervous she didn’t know what to do ,so she made up a name.
“My names Molly.”
“Well Molly since we just met you wanna go get some coffee from the palace?”
“I would but.”
“But what!”
“I have to walk my dragon.”
“I understand.”says Austin
“Well i have to go so see you around.”
“Alright see you around!”
The next day Jade put spoterela in her cage and Jade went for a walk and she just remembered that today was the day she was supposed to go to the Middle West Palace with Austin.
She was so nervous ,but she went anyways.
To Be Continued !!!!

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